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Royalty's POV

I watch as Alejandro drove off leaving me completely shocked. Who am I to blame for this situation because I caused all this. I slowly stand up from the ground my eyes blurred from the tears that couldn't stop running down my cheeks. I go upstairs thinking of a solution to fix this.

As I get to my apartment, I rush to grab my phone and quickly dial Rovach's number with my Shakey hands. He immediately picks up to my relief.

"He knows." Was all I could say to him. He hangs up the phone. As I sat there crying not knowing what to do with myself.

I was laying on the in the dark after crying for almost 3 hours. I take my phone that was next to me and I look at time to see it was almost  midnight. I had 3 missed calls from Rovach which I completely ignored. I had no idea what I was going to do. I didn't even know who's child I was carrying.

My heart was crying out for Alejandro who I completely left heart broken. I am to blame for this situation. My question was where did it all go wrong? How did I end up in this situation? And how was I going to fix this. All these questions were running through my mind and not even one solution came to mind.

"Royalty." I hear a loud knock coming from my door. I keep quiet as I listened to my heart beat that was racing through my chest.

"Royalty, I know you in there. Open the door." Rovach shouts as the knocking got louder.

"Royalty, open the damn door." I was frozen and couldn't move.

"If you don't open the door, I'll break it down." He said as his voice got agitated. "3...2...1..."


"Royalty, what the hell?" He said as he entered my room. I looked up at him as the tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked in a sweet tone as he kneeled in front of me.

I hug him as I begin to break down. I hug him tightly as he embraced me. We sat there in silence as he waited for me to finish crying. I wipe my tears ready to talk. I was worried with so much time crying and stressing I would lose my baby. I wouldn't be able to take it if I lost a second child.

"Are you now okay?" I nod as he had a sad smile on his face. "Will you tell me what happened?"

I explained to him everything that happened, from how Alejandro found out I was pregnant and didn't know who the father was. He had a soft expression when I told him everything. I had hope that he would come with a better solution as I didn't know what to do.

"Okay, so here's what we going to do. Pack your things we leaving." He said helping me stand up.

"We can't just leave like this, Rovach. I still need to speak to Alejandro. Explain to him the situation." I tell him.

"Sweetheart, I know Alejandro. He will take some time to calm down. You do not want to deal with him while he's angry. You lucky he didn't do anything to you when he found out the truth." He exclaimed as he held my shoulders.

"Now, pack your things so we can go somewhere for sometime or till you give birth. That would be the best solution." I nod as I went to my closet to pack all my belongings. I rushed as I took a suitcase and packed clothes and shoes I knew I would only need, the rest I'll buy later.

"Let's go. I notified the pilot that we'll be leaving in an hour." He grabs my suitcase as we about to leave.

"Can I at least say goodbye to my parents." I ask him as I knew they would be worried I would be leaving without saying a word.

"We don't have time, Royalty. Leave your devices behind. You won't be needing them where we going." He grabbed my hand as we rushed to the door. He stopped dead on his track and I look at him confused and look at where he what he staring at

My eyes widened as I stared at Alejandro with a murderous look on his face while he pointed a gun at us. His eyes blood shot red, a vein popping on his forehead. His clothes messy

"Where do you think you going?" He's tone so murderous, it made me shake.

"The two most important people in my life that I loved the most, betrayed me." He laughed hysterically as he banged his gun on his head.

"You know what's funny? The person who betrayed Jesus wasn't a stranger, but someone close to him, and here you guys are hand in hand, ready to leave." I immediately let go of Rovach as I looked down in shame.


"Just SHUT UP," He cuts me off. "Just fucking shut up. Don't you dare say a word."

"Brother," Rovach spoke.

"Don't you dare call me that. I'm not your brother. A brother would never do this to his own brother. I've known you almost my whole life and you do this to me." He said to Rovach as tears started falling down his eyes.

"Yuri, let us explain." Alejandro's face immediately went sour.

"How could you?" His tone sounded broken. My heart shattered into peaces as I listened to him. I just wanted to hug him, tell him everything will okay.

"YOU LEFT US NO FUCKING CHOICE," Rovach shouted making me startled. I looked up at Alejandro who's face was so red in anger.

"You left us no choice, Alejandro. You so self centred, that everything is about you and nothing is happening with the rest of us. Everything is you, you, you, you. I'm so sick and tired. It's so sickening. Royalty was grieving her son, but you were so wrapped up on your own problems that she went seeking comfort from someone else." Rovach said leaving us both surprised. Rovach was someone calm who wasn't really confrontational. I walked in front and stood next to him I watched Alejandro clench his jaw his gun pointing from Rovach to me.

"Yuri, my brother, I'm in love..." bang

I stood frozen in shock and all I could I see was red. My hands were trembling in fear. My ears were ringing and everything stood still than there was silence. I looked down and than all I saw was Blood.

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