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Royalty's POV

When I woke up Alejandro was already gone. I was considering forgiving him, after what he did to me. I understand that he was in a tight spot and I was being unfair to him, but he should also understand that he hurt me. Instead of talking to me about this he took it into his own hands.

I am honestly tired and emotionally exhausted. I don't know who i was fighting, Alejandro or my feelings for me. It felt like the whole world was on my shoulders, William, The FBI, Christopher, Antoine, Summer and Noah. I didn't know what to do anymore. I kept pushing my feelings for Alejandro because everyone wants me too. What about what I want.

My parents don't even know Noah is in the hospital. I could feel my body was very exhausted as I tried to move. I grab my phone on the side table. I switch on my phone and find a missed call from my mom. I swipe the screen and type in my password. I dial my mom's number and listened to the phone ring.

"Hello!" She answered.

"Mom." I said and I could feel tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

"Sweetie, I've been trying to call you. Are you Okay?" She asked.

"No," I said sniffing. "Mom, I'm at the hospital."

"What? Why? What happened? Are you alright?"

"No, Noah got into an accident." She gasped as I explained what happened.

"I'm coming to the hospital."

"Okay." I softly said and hung up.

The door opened and a nurse walked in with a tray of food. She smiled as she placed the food in front of me. She checks my vitals and notes down everything. After finishing my food i started getting my energy back. I push aside the empty plate and got off the bed. I left the room and went to Noah's room that was next to mine. I look at Noah who was hooked up in machines and looked lifeless.

"Maybe if I stopped you soon enough, maybe we would have been at home talking about your birthday." I said as I took his hand.

"I am really sorry Noah, please don't leave me. I want you to fight for your life. I want you to live." I told him. I wished for a response but the room was silent. I silently cried hoping he could move or something. I felt his hand twitch.

"Noah, baby can you hear me?" He squeezed my hand softly and I smile happily. His body started moving violently and I panic because he was having a seizure.

"Noah, Noah, what's happening?"

"Nurse," I screamed hoping someone can hear me. I didn't want to leave him alone. The doctor comes rushing in with a nurse. The nurse pulls me away from Noah and I refused.

"Ma'am please leave, we need to check on him." She said as she takes me out of the room. I start pacing as I wait.

"Sweetie," I turn to see my mom and dad walking in my direction.

"Mom," I run to my parents and hugged my mom.

"What's happening?" My dad asked.

"I don't know, Noah started having a seizure and the doctors came rushing in. I'm still waiting." I explained. We waited for about 30 minutes and no sign of the doctor. I started getting worried, praying nothing will happened. The door opens and I rushed to him.

"Doctor, is he alright?" I ask him and he stares at me and doesn't say anything. I knew why he was silent.

"No. No. No. No." I denied it.

"I'm really sorry,"  The doctor said.

"No, you lying. He was fine a moment ago, he even squeezed my hand." I told him.

"He's skull was fractured and there was a slight disturbance on his brain started which caused him to start bleeding, there's nothing we could have done." I didn't say anything but remained silent. I fell on the ground, all I felt was emptiness.

"We'll give you a moment to say goodbye." The doctor says and walks away.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." My mom said as she kneels on the ground next to me and gave me a hug. I didn't cry, I didn't know what to do. I just stayed silent. He is gone, and he's not coming back.

My dad helped me up from the ground as my mom went in the room. I walk in the room with with my dad and I looked at Noah's lifeless body. It was all my fault, I thought. I didn't stop him in time and he was running from me because I didn't tell him the truth about Alejandro. I just sat there silently staring at Noah's body. I thought of the possible ways that I could have helped to save him. I killed him.

"Honey, it's time for him to go." My mom said and I just ignored her.

"Honey, let's go." My mom repeated.

"No," I replied softly. "No, he doesn't want me to leave him. He's sleeping and you are going to wake him up."

"Sweetie, What you talking about? They just announced his dead."

"Noah is sleeping and if you keep talking you'll end up waking him up." I told her. I brushed Noah's hair amd hummed a song. I couldn't leave him all alone here. They just wanted to take him away from me and I wasn't going to allow that. The doctor walked in and I looked him.

"Doctor, please wake him up. He has been asleep for to long and it's time for him to go home." I said to him. He looks at me confused.

"Ma'am he's dead."

"No, you lying. You just saying that to take him away from me. GIVE ME MY NOAH BACK." I spat.

"NURSE," He shouted.

"Noah, sweetie. Wake up." I lightly shook him. "Noah mommy's here, come on it's time to go home."

"Wake up, papi." I felt a light pinch on my arm, slowly the room started spinning.

"Noah." Was the last thing I said before my whole turned dark.

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