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Royalty's POV


"What are you doing here?" I asked and He smiled gaving me a hug which really surprised me but I hugged him back.

"I was around the corner and I saw you standing here listening to this guy." He replied and put his hands in his pockets. "It's really getting cold tonight."

I honestly had no idea what to say to him. I awkwardly stand quietly, haven't even uttered on word to him. I am still stunned that he is standing right in front of me. When I quit my job, I didn't want to see him again. It was also because of this bad vibe he gave me, which send shivers down my spine.

I know something is going on with Antoine but I just didn't what it was. His records are clean and there was nothing bad about him. The only person who knew him best was Alejandro and he's not here to tell me.


"Mmm...sorry about that," I said and gave him a small smile. "You just really caught me by surprise. It's been so long since I've seen you and it's just overwhelming for me to see you again."

"Yeah. Hey, I'm really sorry for pushing to give me Alejandro's dirt. I know it's against what you do and it was wrong of me." He apologized out of courtesy.

"Thanks." I said dragging the word. "I really appreciate your apology, but it's time for me to go home."

"Oh ok, can I walk you home, if you don't mind?" I was really spectle about him knowing where I stay, but it just seems like he's here to stay, so there was no denying him.

"Sure," I awkwardly smiled at him. Why was he being all nice.

As I head home, Antoine and I were talking about how our lives has been the past few months we haven't seen each other. I told him about the firm I used to work at and how that I quit my job today. I didn't include dating Alejandro which would have really seemed weird.

He told me he quit his job at the prison, he was getting tired of those people. Right now he's not even sure what to do. His life has been on stand still he told me. It was really getting weird. How is it a coincidence that after quiting my job at the prison, Alejandro gets out of prison and Antoine also quits his job at the prison. This all happened after I left.

Finally arriving to my block. We stand outside the building and somehow I felt like he wanted me to invite him. "Thanks for walking me home,"

"It's no pro-" he was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this." I nod and he answers moving a few feet away from me. I didn't know whether to wait or go inside. I decided to wait only took him a minute to finish his call.

"Sorry about that. Listen it was really great seeing you again, can we do this again but this time over a cup of coffee," I don't know if he was indirectly ask me out on a date or he just wants to see me more.

"Sure, whenever is good for me, Goodnight." I wave at him and quickly walk in my building.

Why did I agree to meet with him again. He will make my life more complicated. After quitting my job at the agency, I know they'll be on my tail even more because I'm no longer under their surveillance or closer to them. It will make things harder for me also. I jump on bed face down and scream.

Honestly how did my life get this complicated. I find myself warm in my blankets and a thought of Alejandro crossed my mind. The weird part was that I starting thinking about Summer. I don't know how I've never thought of it but somehow Antoine has the same similarities as Summer, which is weird but it is common for someone to have the same similarities even if they were not related.

I couldn't even sleep. Right now my life seemed like it's going down hill, and it's because of Alejandro. How can one person make your life this complicated. I grab my phone under my pillow and call one person I haven't spoken too since Alejandro left.


"Rovach?" I said softly not sure what to say to him.

Rovach did check up on me after my break up with Alejandro, but I was to heart broken to even want to talk to him. So I pushed him away. When I started walking with FBI, I didn't want to contact him because Rovach was also part of the investigation.

"Royalty, what's wrong?"

"Why do you assume something is wrong?" I ask frowning.

"Because you calling me at 11 pm. No one calls people at night unless something is wrong."

"Well nothing is wrong..." I pause and feel hot tears coming down my tears.

"Are you crying? Now I know something is wrong."

"It's just I really miss him, Rovach." I found myself saying and my voice shook in pain and I covered myself with my blanket. I hear Rovach sigh from the other side of the phone. Before he could even speak I hear some noise in the background.

"Who are you talking Rovach?"

My heart clenched knowing who exactly it was speaking in the background.

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I'm really sorry for the late updated. 😔

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