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Alejandro's POV


"This can't be." I muttered under my breath. "You are twin sister with Summer?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She said rolling her eyes.

I didn't know if this was some sort of weird dejá vu. I forgot Antoine had a sister, I've only ever met her twice in my life ad that was when we were still in the military. The first year I started and the year I ended, by that time she was very young and a shy little girl. I don't know how I could forget this easily. Even when Uncle James mentioned her to me, It never occurred to me that it was her.

"The last time I saw you was 17 years ago, when you were only 9 years old." I said to her. "Look at you now, what happened to you?"

"I'm no more that little shy girl from 17 years ago. When you decided to leave without saying goodbye to me." She said walking to the bar and poured herself my whiskey.

I wasn't speaking to Antoine during that time and I didn't want to make it weird by talking to her sister. I did see her when Antoine' s whole family was there at our final day in the military. I didn't think she would see me.

"Why do you care so much?" I questioned.

"Because I loved you and I wanted you." She stated and I stayed quiet.

"You were just a kid."

"That didn't stop you from fucking my sister."

"Yeah, but look where it got us, and you can't compare yourself with Summer, she knew what she was doing."

I also knew what I was doing. She was only 16 years old and I got her pregnant, then she got me arrested. For years I've been angry at her, but when I saw our daughter, all that anger faded and that made me understand why she did it, but it didn't make me forget she still betrayed me.

"She took you away from me." She screamed at me.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I look at her, she wasn't making any sense. "Svetlana, you need to get the thought of you and I together out of your mind, because THEY WILL NEVER BE A YOU AND I."

She screamed throwing bottles at me, I ducked to avoid the glass hitting me. This girl is a fucking psychopath. At this point I didn't know how I was going to deal with her. Then I remembered I need to play her game.

"I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU." She kept on shouting. She stopped throwing bottles, so I took my chance and walked up too her.

"I'm really sorry. I don't love Summer. I love you. I only pretended to love her because she looks like you." I said in my calm tone.

"Really?" I nod giving her a hug. I was glad she was able to fall for it. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I push her away from me, I look down at my stomach to notice she stabbed me with one of the pieces of the broken bottles.

"I'm not fucking gullible." She said in a murderous tone. I stare at her in shock. I did not see that coming twist. I remove my belt from my pants and took the bottle of scotch. I bit the belt hard as I pour the the scotch on the wound. I slowly walk up to the couch and grabbed my blazer. I take out my phone in my inside pocket and called Rovach.

"This better be important Alejandro, I'm very busy." Rovach said.

"Help me," I struggled to say.

"Alejandro, what happened?" He questioned sounding worried.

"S-she, sh-she..." was all I could say before blacking out.


I wake up on my bed and Rovach sleeping on the one seat couch. I was shirtless and I look down to my stomach and find band aid wrapped on the wound. There was a bottle of water on the side of the bed. I stretch my arm to grab it and I flinch in pain as I try to move my body waking up Rovach. 

"Relax man, that wound was very deep." He said helping me and have me the bottle.

"I've only been gone for a week, and the minute I come back you are stabbed." I could tell Rovach was very annoyed.

"What the hell happened?" He questioned.

"Summer's twin sister was here. I just found out she's been in love with me for years." I told him, my eyes closed.

"How does she even know you?"

"Remember when I went to the military? I met her there when she came to visit Antoine. She was 9 years old apparently she had a crush on me."

"So why she after Summer?"

"Because I fell in love with Summer and not her." I exclaimed.

"Explains a lot." Rovach said. "I feel sorry for you."

"And why is that?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Because a twin sister psycho is after you, and look what happened. She took your daughter, held her own twin sister captive and stabbed you. What more could she have done?" Rovach stated and I frown knowing he is speaking facts. "Does Antoine even know what's happening?"

"I honestly have no idea." I said taking a deep breath as I closed my eyes.

"So what are you going to do?

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea." I sigh running my fingers through my hair.

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Dangerous Affairs Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora