Jao Jei, Taotie of Chaos

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At the end of the Chapter, Buraindo, Blind Jackal.

Cultist Leader: (finish polishing her nails with green nail polish) This would do... (take the pink lipstick and applied it to her own lips) I shall confront them...

The Cultist goes to the door and open it, she left the place.

During the events of Libra Faust.

The Cultist Leader levitates through the space, she lands on the SB123 Mushroom Kingdom, that triggered the alarm of the Multiversal system, alerting the enemy have landed in the territory.

World Alarm: Warning, the Leader of the Cult have entered the SB123 Universe!

Cultist Leader: (looked around to see the militaries and notable Villain Slayers/Hunters) This is it... (unfold her wings under her robe and make the earrape crooning, stunning everything)

Commander Jackal: Fire everything!

Cultist Leader: Rise up my guards! (Summons her Guards, who they unfold their frills, blocking every enemy attacks)

Commander Wolf: We have to destroy them! Drop the aerial bombs!

Cultist Leader: (summoned blackholes to suck up the bombs) Never ever try to keep in going, just give up... Kill them all... KILL THEM ALL! (Summons a huge bizzare being, consisting a huge eye in the middle, and other two eyes on each two palms, the colour of itself is bright white/blue) Zadkiel! Crush them all!

Commander Inkling: Wait... Is that-

Commander Human: RUN BITCH RUN!!!

The being heads down towards the large group and it smashed its on her enemies.

Cultist Leader: I have slaughtered countless people, back in my old days.

More destruction have caused. More soldiers have been terminated in her hands. She loves bloodsheds in her hands of herself.

Cultist Leader: (swipe the bloody floor with her finger to scoop up the bloodstains and licked it) Blood...

She also summoned the nanomachines to hijack the AI machines, turning them to turn against their army and became her underlings.

Cultist Leader: Yes... Die if you wish...

The Cultist Leader was being watched by the Atlas through cameras. She was analysed from the very start to now, but no infomations about the mysterious person. She is the most mysterious one ever.

Cultist Leader: All of you, suffer like what I've gone through.

She keeps on destroying the foes they stand in her way.

Cultist Leader: You will never survive my attacks.

The Cultist Leader walks through the devastation caused by herself.

Cultist Leader: The Divine Chaos shall be in our hands...

In the Atlas, an Atlas Wolf General, Kalos, he seek a huge threat of the Cultist Leader, the last time he saw her was lower than her current.

Kalos: She's stronger than I thought... She's became a huge threat after years.

Mr. Glitch: It can't be helped.

Kalos: I fought her once, I almost died, but she became stronger.

Mr. Glitch: She's looking for something.

Kalos: I believe, it must be the artifact she is looking for, the legendary arrow, Divine Chaos. It have been taken by ReaderFromWR, but passed down to the Multiversal Heroes as exchange of leaving his legacy and bloodline alone, and his retirement of Multiversal Heroes member. He was ranked as Commander, left due to his miss of killing the villains.

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