Heroes/Villains Statuses

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This page shows the statistic of both Heroes and Villains. Even those who are unaffiliated on both sides.

Unnamed Order. The seven different species, hybrid or not. They currently share the same goal as RaydenFromWR the leader herself.

RaydenFromWR stats.
Full Name: RaydenFromWR Angelos Prime
Personality: Docile and Kind (formerly), Cold, Ruthless and Tyranical (Currently)
Nationality: Japanese
Class: Heavy Brawler
Threat Level: Usurper
Rank: EX
Position: Alpha/Luna
Strength: 90%
Defense: 75%
Speed: 90%
Stamina: 100%
Power: 90%
Danmaku: 100%
Main Ability: Electrokinesis, Superhuman Strength, Levitation, Superhuman Speed, near-immunity, Agility, Water Tolerance
Secondary Ability: Cryokinesis, Cold Tolerance
Trinary Ability: Pyrokinesis, Thermal Tolerance, Hydrokinesis
Skills: Orange-Red Yin-Yang Orb Options, Danmaku
Special Skills: Final Drill Lightning (capable of drilling large Earth Constducts and used as an offensive weapon against large foes)
Passive Skills: Electrical Corrosion (electricity passes through body constantly and inflicting damages in body, decaying from inside for 15 seconds)
Burst Skill: Thunder Wrath of the Eldritch Goddess (increases her abilities and attack by 1000%)
Weakness: Boredom, Bondage, Lust, In heat, Getting raped, Big breast envy
Bio: RaydenFromWR was once a kind and docile red Inkling girl, but struck her heart upon the truth of truce, betrayal of her beloved grandfather ReaderFromWR, struggling and suffering for years from the villains peril, she vows to slaughter every single kind of villains, she will promise that she will have the villains and darkness extinct in her own hands, she starts to get serious in exercises until she had a stomach having six packs, much to her displeasure that her body have changed, almost voluptuous, unless full voluptuous if her six packs weren't on her stomach. She became a ruthless and acts as a tyrant against others, she always fights on her own, resulting in much scratches, as aged 30, she became near immune to much pyshical and spiritual attacks. Despite having her ruthless tyrant behavior, she does care for Greyscream (constant annoying cat joker), Frostino (her very first crush), Peridot (loyal Jackal friend of hers), Meita, (she spared a Ztar Child after she found out she was pure in light instead of darkness), Kyan (since he and she were Imperium related), and Yukari Reijin Fujina Scarlet (since she have known Novius, Infinite's older brother, Yukari R. F. S. was the daughter of Novius (in somewhere he redeemed for his own actions of wrong doing and tyranical life)). She grew emotionless upon being powerful like a Elder God, even surpassed all deities, making her a chimera of powers with mixed abilities she own, she was called Nue for her abilities have surpassed everyone's abilitoes.
Weapon: Blood Blade (a silver katana that have gap edges behind the blunt area of the weapon).

Frostino stats.
Full Name: Frostino Wolfin Rime
Personality: Kind and pure (formerly), Cold and Ruthless (currently)
Nationality: Korean
Class: Frost Warrior
Threat Level: Slayer
Rank: SSS
Position: Beta
Strength: 85%
Defense: 55%
Speed: 70%
Stamina: 95%
Power: 80%
Danmaku: 90%
Main Ability: Cryokinesis, Superhuman Speed, Agility, Cold Tolerance, Levitation
Secondary Ability: Crystallokinesis
Trinary Ability: Hydrokinesis, Water Drill
Skills: Ice Orb Options, Cryo Healing (must be in cold condition)
Special Skills: Giga Frost Thrower Finale (it's like flamethrower, but it's extreme blizzard and ice, capable of freezing the entire army of enemies)
Passive Skills: Ice Crystalisation (ice grows on opponents who they land blow on the user or the user uses attack on the foes)
Burst Skill: Glacier Armageddon (a huge blizzard of cold wind can freezes the entire population, Grostino gitta be careful of his Burst Skill)
Weakness: Thermal Intolerance, Wolf Traps, High impact damage
Bio: Once a happy young Xeno Wolf puppy, living on a long dead heretical icy planet Frsot Bitten which was abandoned for millennia, until species of Guardian attacked his home planet to cleanse it once more before it could reacitvate itself, not knowing that the daemon planet no longer able to manifest full Chaos power, he held grudge against Guardians for trying to destroy his home planet, created his own personal katanas, he now heads to slaughter the kind that attacked his home and promises himself and his people of Frost Bitten's sake that he will vanquish all Guardians.
Weapon: Ice and Water (duo katanas)

RaydenFromWR: One Annihilation NueWhere stories live. Discover now