Peril Through Past, Ice Planet Raid

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Yukkuri RaydenFromWR: Yu, yu, yukkuri shitettie ne!

RaydenFromWR: (wake up) Mmm?

Boi, it's morning... I stretched myself, had my teeth brushed and put my clothes on, I stroll through the places on this planet, feeding and maintaining the Yukkuris, I even have to maintain the Yukkuri Utusho level, I don't want my planet turn into smithereens. This is my only home, isolated from everything. I went back to the shrine and prepared breakfast, I woke Frostino up and we eat our morning meals.

Frostino: You're such a great cook, who taught you?

RaydenFromWR: Null, my old teacher, back then when I was young. She taught me how to cook, she had given me hundred cooking books after I gradulated.

Frostino: I see.

RaydenFromWR: If Atlas haven't made her join, or Infinite told her about truce, Null would've been alway my side.

Frostino: Such betrayal...

RaudenFromWR: Yeah...

After we finish our breakfast, we head out from EASTERN, and we walked through the park on Earth. We sat on a bench.

Frostino: Isn't it beautiful?

RaydenFromWR: Yeah, can feel the breeze of the wind.

Frostino: I can feel it too.

RaydenFromWR: Indeed.

Frostino: These reminds me of that Wind Guardian.

RaydenFromWR: ...

Frostino: Nevermind.

RaydenFromWR: Hate those Atlas.

Meita: (shadow stars formed and she appears physically) Rayden...

RaydenFromWR: Meita?

Meita: I have sensed a terrible thing.

RaydenFromWR: Atlas, or Villainous Decepticons?

Meita: The Villainous Decepticon, they send that cultist to an unknown past, no one knows what holds that past...

RaydenFromWR: What kind of past?

Meita: The forgotten one...

RaydenFromWR: The forgotten one? I don't know that...

Meita: I am the only one who know the forgotten past... It was erased from the very past to change the future, but it was still accessable, only if there is a stronger time machine that brings us through timeline...

RaydenFromWR: How?

Meita: This gonna sounds risky... Let's take the time machine that Francis made...

RaydenFromWR: I see...

Meita: Since I am the one who only know, I can access it...

RaydenFromWR: Okay... You are the one who know that timeline...

Meita: Yeah... I am aware of that timeline...

Greyscream: (lands infront of Rayden and transform into his humanoid cat form) Rayden, the Villainous Decepticons and Atlas, they are currently having a waging war at Frostino's old home.

Frostino: Wait what?!

RaydenFromWR: What in the world are they doing there?!

Greyscream: I dunno, but this damn people are killing each other in two factions.

RaydenFromWR: One Annihilation NueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora