Honey Badger Youkai

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I stayed in the park, waiting for my friends. And that is where I saw my old teacher, a Youkai, Honey Badger Youkai. Carrying her huge parasol larger than Yuumo's. This former teacher of mine, her name was Null Dreem. She's older than us, and even my grandfather, except for great grandmother Daria Okania WR, who's way older than everyone. She was taken care by grandfather when she's injured from a huge fight with a lion, grandfather took care of her for a long time until she became a Youkai.

Null: (saw RaydenFromWR and recognised her) Oh hey Rayden. How are you?

RaydenFromWR: (refuse to speak to Null)

Null is definitely my old teacher, she teaches the school about peace, and because she was a member of Atlas, she sided Atlas instead of my side, I have idoled her for few years until she was revealed to be the member of Atlas.

Null: I guess you're great, how's the scar you got?

RaydenFromWR: Don't ever talk about my scar, it reminds me of Mima.

Null: Ohohohohoho, scared of that ghost?

RaydenFromWR: Shut up!

Null: It's been years since you gradulated. It's nice to see you again after years.

RaydenFromWR: Would you need to quit Atlas and join Unnamed Order?!

Null: *laugh* No.

RaydenFromWR: Grrr....

Peridot: Rayden, I'm sorry, I'm- (saw Null) Madam Null....

Null: Peridot, you're still fine over years, you were like rip and tear until it is done.

Greyscream: Hey Rayden! How's- Madam Null?!

Graysuika: Our old teacher...

Meita: Rayden, is that Null your teacher?...

RaydenFromWR: Yes! She have been teaching me since younger days!

Null: That's right, I taught her peace under Mr. Glitch's order. He have me to refrain from war, but failed when Mima have given her a battle and Koishi telling the truth. He gave me another chance, Atlas have orders, and it is terrifying, but since I am a Honey Badger Youkai, I am immune to bladed attacks, even bullets.

RaydenFromWR: Leave us alone! Today we're going to kill enemies, and never dare to interfere with us! Two days ago, I had an arm injury! This is not the first thing I get hit!

Null: Ahahahahaha, you're not as tough as me. (Drew something out and placed beside RaydenFromWR) Rayden, this is on of the Atlas' weapons, this is a portable railgun.

RaydenFromWR: That looks like Gauss Cannon.

Null: Well, it have Power V, Punch II, and Flame I, this name for this railgun weapon is Railgun Schlong.

RaydenFromWR: Railgun Schlong?! Why do they have to-

Null: Actually, I made it, and named it.

RaydenFromWR: Why would you name it with a word that have another word of penis?!

Null: That will be your weapon. (Walks off) See you in a battlefield.

RaydenFromWR: Railgun Schlong, railgun penis. What the frick would she name such a thing?!

Meita: That is definitely messed up...

RaydenFromWR: This weapon is rather offensive...


Null: (goes to the Atlas head office, she put the card on the scanner)

Atlas AI: Null Dreem, you are free to enter Glitch's office. (Have the office door open)

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