Delivery For One

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In the City of Seattle Washington, one Restaurant was opening late in the evening.


"that be 24.50 sir"


"they should be here by now?"


In the All Blue Baratie, 4 Chefs cookings in the kitchen. Moving faster, keep pace in food and delivery. Sanji was head chef, with Zoro who sous chef, franky and Brook who prepares.

Each All Sweats and cooks. Nami who was The business person who help the cost, Taxes, and bill for the building. Robin is the geneal manager of the All blue. She always give a positive and happy smile to any guest.

Then came the last three, Where the delivery.

"THERE YOU IDIOTS ARE!!" Sanji scolds.

"Sorry Sanji but The last order was further away...." usopp said.

"Mine didn't give me tipz" Chopper whines

"And you!" Sanji points at Luffy.

Luffy blinks and look at Sanji, "what?  What did i do?".

"We got complaints of costumer that few of their deliveries have missing pieces" Zoro said.

"Yeah, Luffy bro, you making us look bad, " franky said.

"But i am hungry?" Luffy said.

"Look i got one delivery for one, madam~~~, i give you one more chance, if you ever fuck this up, i will fire you on the spot and kick my foot, straight into your ass, till i putt you out of the restaurant" Sanji scolds.

"W-wait you can't fire me.... how am i buy more food?" Luffy said.

"Then don't screw up" zoro said.

"Good luck luffy" Everyone said.

Luffy groans, as Sanji handed him, box meals. As Luffy grab hold of them, he carries them even with death glares behind him. Luffy sighs, trying to resist to nab a bite. After he walked out of the kitchen, he reaches to his bike. Putting the meal box into the thermal box, and closing it after slotting in. He pull his red sweater hood over his head.

Luffy got ontop of his bike, and kickes up ans got onto his pedal. Pedalling through the back door alley. He put on his headphones and continued pedaling down the street. He biked down toward the city of Seattle. Since the destination was more northern, richest area.

He huff and puffs after pedalling uphill. He managed to get his breath and pedal at ease when the road are more evaluate. After for a awhile he manage to come across community of beach Manor house.

"Holy..... Crap......... how rich are these guys?" Luffy amazed as he strolled down.

Over by few blocks ahead of him. One beach manor, with the architecture with Chinese design but squares floors layes. With walls gate surrounding the estate. As red curve roof tiles on the walls. A woman with Long black hair, wearing Purple tank top, and sport booty shorts. She was rested down on the balcony, sitting ontop of a beanbag. She turn on the heater on her balcony, she took a peaceful sigh.

"Salome, come here" Hancock said. As Salome, she slither towards hancocks.

"Dont worry your food on it way.... if that stupid delivery guy surive the dogs......" Hancock said as she smooth Salome scales skins.

On the outside Luffy slowly pedals front of the manor. He pull outs a piece of paper from his pocket.

"Right Sanji give me the address...... this should be the right place...." Luffy said. He look at the note if it has any more instructions.

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