The One in a Dungeon Cell

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In the sun setting forest. A boy in strawhat carrying a large heavy backpack. Hiking through the forest, he fixed his strawhat and search inside his backpack. He pulls out an apple from the left pocket.

He start chomping down the apple, seeing the sky to begin dark. He grab a flashlight and turn it on. He then pull out a journal showing a map.

"Pops did say the castle was around here" Luffy said. He look around and kept hiking the trail.

Soon the sky turn over to dark. As the night sky cover the forest. It eventually get colder. Luffy body shivers, and retrieve a coat.

He wrapped the coat around him. And continue hiking in the dark. Until he reach a passing, there he look up seeing a abandon castle sitting front of a moon.

"So the legends are true, the castle of BoaDonna" Luffy said, acting all giddy. And start hiking toward the ruin castle.

After a long hour, he arrived at the stone bridge. All of them are crack, fallen apart, missing chunks but sturdy. He walked down as he use the flashlight to light his way.

He reach to the front door, which are two large door that the color was run out. He look around and knock on the worn out red color door. Just the echoes of the sound.

"Huh weird" Luffy said and open the creaking wooden door. And wind rush out of the area, blowing his hair and hat back.

"Hello!, anyone home!" Luffy shouts the empty castle. "Right, let start investigating"

Luffy walked around and flashed through the light. He look around as furniture ruin or destroy. He see mural of painting all have description, or claw apart.

He kept walking till he see a door with iron frame. He pull out his journal and find a passage.

"If you find the iron door, don't ever open the door nor go inside" Luffy read the passage.

"Eh seem fine, " Luffy said as he open the door and walked inside. Inside was long stone stairway. He continue goes down a his flashlight help navigate in the dark. Till he reach the Dungeon.

He see rusted cage, but couldn't even budge even tugging it with full force it won't break.

"H-hello? Is someone out there?" A voice echoes out. Luffy frozed, but he follow the source of that voice.

He reach to a cell where a woman with black raven hair. But her condition look worsen, her hair all messy, her clothes rip and rag, chained up to a wall. Her skin look sunken, but she raised her head up to him.

"Who are you?, did they finally remember im down here, did they sent here to kill me?" She asked.

"No, I'm not here to kill you?" Luffy said.

"Who are you! Raises up the lantern so I can see you" she said, Luffy was confused on what she meant by lantern but he lift the flashlight at an angle.

"Your not a prison guard? Or a soldier?" She said, skeptical. "I ask again, who are you?"

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy treasure hunter" Luffy smiles.

"Treasure hunter? What make you think there's treasures hidden down in the castle Dungeon?" Hancock said.

"Well I got hand on my grandfather journal, I want to explore the castle ruin, you know something to proof something" Luffy said.

"Just exploring the Ruins?.... this castle is in ruins? How long I have been asleep" Hancock hyperventilating.

"W-what the year?" Hancock said. As Luffy look at her confusedly

Luffy X Hancock One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ