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74) *is a virgin that never drinks or does anything bad whatsoever* *owns a random club dress that she goes to a party in and gets drunk while smoking weed and ends up pregnant with a guy she just met*


75) When the girl is 'super shy' but also 'really outgoing'

Because that makes so much fucking sense.

76) If there's one thing I've learned from fanfics, it's that if I really want a date with him, all I have to do is spill scolding hot coffee on him and I'm good to go.


77) When Luke and/or Michael has a 6 pack.

Um, no, honey.

78) *description says all rights reserved* *has the same exact storyline and title as another book or movie*

I'm pretty sure this shit is illegal.

79) In fanfics,

age is just a number,

therefore I guess jail is just a building.


80) When the girl has 4 other friends and they all like a different member of One Direction.

Um, no. You know what I have to go through to even look at a picture of Niall in front of my best friend? Let alone get a date with him. -_-


*Marcus voice* Hellooooooo!

I AM SO SORRY!!!! Please don't hate me! I meant to update this a while ago and I know it's short, but I'm currently riding in a car and I have been for the past, like, 10 hours, so I'm trying to update all my stories rn.

Hope this was enjoyable and at least a teensy bit funny.


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