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1) 'Adopted By 1D'

Because 5 guys in their early twenties who are almost always on tour totally have the time to take care of a teenage girl.

2) His ex-girlfriend is a total bitch!!!

Haven't heard that one before *rolls eyes*

3) "I don't usually wear that much makeup, just half a bottle of foundation, a bunch of bronzer, the whole thing of blusher, bright red lipstick, the entire tube of eyeliner, and a little mascara."

Wow. You actually might have Lady Gaga beat.

4) I can sing, play guitar, play piano, play the drums, dance, act, model, and basically do everything.

This isn't America's Got Talent, stop making me feel useless.

5) Luke is my best friend, and I have this HUGE crush on him, but he'll never like me back.


6) If you are under the age of 18, DO NOT READ!!!!

Come and find me, bitch.

7) "Mom, I just met this guy two minutes ago who's five years older than me, can I move in with him?" "Sure, honey! Be careful!"

Oh come on.

8) When every girl besides the main character is really slutty and wears a bunch of makeup.

I'm sorry, is this halloween???

9) When the epilogue is just about them and how they have like ten kids and are still really in love and shit.

I didn't know this was a disney movie!

10) When the main character has a weird ass name you can't pronounce.

This isn't Harry Potter.

11) Niall: "Where's food? Give me food! I want food!"

Just no.

12) The main girl always has crazy ex boyfriends, and the main guy always has crazy ex girlfriends.

Wtf is this? Jerry Springer?

13) The main girl just casually bumps into Harry Styles on the streets.

Where the fuck do you take walks?

14) Niall falls in love with her before she even opens her mouth.

And here I am trying to get him to dm me back.

15) When all Michael does in the fanfic is play video games and eat pizza.


16) When every single guy in the fanfic is in love with the main girl.

At least make this a little relatable.

17) When the main girl dates everyone in the band.

Great, just what everyone needs; another Selena Gomez.

(hi! future holland here! so i've received a lot of comments about this joke so to clear things up: a) selena was rumored to be dating a bunch of the 1d guys years ago which is why i made that joke and b) i absolutely adore selena and i don't believe those rumors. also, even if they were true, it still wouldn't matter bc its her life and her body and she can do whatever she wants and its no one else's business but hers. this book was written like 3 years ago, when i was still just a dumb teenager wanting to get internet famous. i'm sorry if this joke [or any of the other jokes in here] offended you in anyway. love you! okay now back to the jokes.)

18) He looked at everyone in the crowd until his eyes landed on me.

Let me guess, after the concert he gets his security guard to lead you back stage and then you play truth or dare with the rest of the band where you kiss him and you guys fall in love and have babies.

19) One second everyone's fine, then the next the main girl gets mad at Harry for no fucking reason and starts crying.

Bitch i think you need a nice dose of calm tf down.

20) When they go to club and the guy ends up cheating on the main girl there in every single fanfic.

Woah déjà vu


So yea. Please know that this isn't meant to offend anyone it's just a joke.

Hope you laughed all the way through even though I'm about as funny as a potato.


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