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97) Introducing Harry's children;

Darcy, Darcy #2, Darcy #3, Darcy #4, Darcy #5, and Darcy #6, oh, and his little boy Darcy #7

Give me a fucking break.

98) When she's supposedly a 'normal teenage girl' with no social media or fandoms that she's a part of.

This is not a fucking two for one deal you can have one or the other, pick and choose.

99) You know they say you're lucky if you get to experience love a second time around.

And then there's those hoes in fanfics who are really lucky because they fall in love with every band member they lay eyes on.


100) *is in high school* *has absolutely no homework whatsoever*

Bitch dafuq you go to school?

101) When the girl's parents are dead or something and she takes care of all of her siblings on her own and she can't get a job because she's apparently 'too busy', but she still lives in a million dollar house with all designer clothes.

Hoe Ima 'bout to turn your ass into the police because there ain't no way you have the cash unless you robbed someone.

102) "I hopped into the house"

"I hopped up to the school entrance"

"I hopped up to Harry Styles"


103) "He flashed me a toothless grin"

Okay you don't understand how much this annoys me because if your boyfriend or ANYONE for that matter grins at you and they aren't showing any teeth, you need to TAKE THEM TO THE FUCKING DENTIST THIS IS COMMON FUCKING SENSE!!

104) When they're going on a date or shopping or something like that and absolutely no fans come in and attack them.

Oh no no no no. I have not worked this hard to stalk band members just so you could underestimate my power.

(^ jk I don't really stalk them... or maybe I do... you'll never know)

105) And can someone please explain to these authors that love does not just happen right away like no it takes time and actually getting to know someone to fall in love with them you can't just look at someone and be like 'omg I have found my soul mate in starbucks' like no it doesn't just happen that way.

oh, and also when they're like, 'even though I just met Harry 2 seconds ago, I think I'm in love with him because he bought me a new starbucks drink after I spilled my other one all over him'

please just stop. you make me weep for humanity.

106) And don't even get me started on the fact that Zayn can't go two seconds without looking in a mirror, and that he ALWAYS carries a pocket mirror with him.

like bitch be all like "oh no, Harry cheated on me and I broke my mirror and now I can't see if my messy bun looks good"

and then Zayn pops out of nowhere like "surprise motha fucka I gots a mirror right here"

107) When the girl becomes the sixth member of 1D and all of their fans are totally fine with it and welcome her with open arms and shit.

First of all, it's called a BOY band for a reason.


Sometimes the amount of stupidity in this world astounds me.


Hello :)

I'm sorry I haven't updated in like years. I had finals last week and I have them this week also but I have a fever so I decided to update today! :D

Hope this was enjoyable!

-Holland :)

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