STOP HOLD UP (ice cream and cake)

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lmao if you get the title reference than we are automatic bmukff (best magical unicorn kitten friends forever)

but anyways, this is not a chapter. i'm sawwy! i know i said i would update tonight but as i was typing and making all of my jokes and stuff, i felt this urge to not post and instead do something else. (i did not mean for that to sound sexual. oh no it didn't sound sexual until i said anything did it? dammit holland)

anywho, i know that i sometimes get the urge to rant on and on for days. and i do have a rant book for that, but there are some things i feel like i can't post in my rant book bc it would be too awkward or depressing or anything, and then my friend messaged me right then and just vented to me, so i thought that there must be other people who feel this way too. then i thought that a lot of my readers might feel this way and i didn't want that...

so, i want you all to just vent in the comments. just get it all out of your system and rant on and on. i don't care how long it is or how many things you rant about, just fucking let it out. you can swear and get pissed and metaphorically throw a table at the wall, just whatever. and if you need advice or someone to talk to, just ask. i know i will most definitely help and i'm sure that there are others who will too.

it doesn't even have to make sense, just rant.

-holland (wow what an awkward and cheesy way to end this chapter great job hol!)

(p.s- sorry i keep talking to myself lmfao)

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