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hello beautiful peoples! yes, this book is finished but i was tagged by CobxinShirt  to answer these 13 questions so that's what i'm gonna do! you can skip this chapter if you want. (:

1. What's your favorite T.V. show?
family guy lmao

2. Who's your main OTP?
muke and phan

3. Do you have a crush?
lol besides celebrities i mean i have a girlfriend so i guess she is my crush?

4. Favorite band/artist?
5sos will always be my #1

5. What age were you when you could finally have a phone?
i think i was around 14 or so.

6. Know any other languages besides english?
well a little fun fact about me is that i was born in Germany so I do speak German, French and some Swedish. i also know a bit of sign language.

7. When and how did you discover wattpad?
I discovered it about 3 years ago bc my older sister had an account before she started her family and stuff.

8. Do you usually over react or get mad easily?
I wouldn't say easily, but when I am mad, I'm extremely mad lol.

9. Favorite memory of 2015?
Adopting my little sister because she means the absolute world to me. Also, I graduated last year which was pretty cool but also pretty frightening.

10. Play any instruments?
Guitar, piano, flute, sax, ukulele, drums, bass, and i sing also. I know it's a lot but half of them i'm not even sure if i'm that good at anymore because i haven't played some of them in a while.

11. can you sing?
Well, this is a bit of a personal opinion but if you're asking if i like to sing and i do it willingly in front of others, than yes.

12. how many books have you read this year?
a lot. a LOT. lol

13. What do you think is the most useless thing in the world.
gender roles lmao. no but seriously, why the fuck do we have them still?

and that was it! i don't know who to tag but i you want to do this tag, then go ahead! and tag me in it so i can read your answers. (:

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