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81) "In Love With My Bully"

So we all know how these go like the guy is her bully and he beats her PHYSICALLY and all this shit but she's still like 'OMG Harry you are perf I love you so much' while simultaneously getting the living crap beat out of her.

Bitch, what the fuck is wrong with you? He must have hit your head pretty hard because he's practically MURDERING you right now but all you are focused on are his 'beautiful green orbs'.

82) But you know what I really hate? All of these fucking p's and their popping.

"Yep." She said, popping the p.

"Nope." She said, popping the p.

"Hi." She said, popping the nonexistent p.

Just gtfo like no.

83) And seriously can I like have Niall's metabolism because according to fanfics, he can litterally eat 30,000 tons of food and gain like no weight.

Seriously he be eating like ten burgers, twenty pizzas, fifty cookies and like 37,000 peri peri chickens from Nandos and he's still a size zero meanwhile I'm over here trying to eat a chip (A chip) and I gain like 93,000,000,000 pounds like what the fuck is this? Am I being punked? Where the fuck is Ashton because I need to kiss his face. (don't judge me. Irwin isn't the only Ashton who has it going on) (stacy's mom has got it going on! okay soz ignore me)

84) "OMG Niall gave you his food? OMF HES PROPOSING TO YOU!!!"

My fist is about to propose to your face if you don't shut the hell up.

85) When the girl hates loud noises but all she does is scream all the time like chick be all like;

"Oh yea, loud noises scare me so much but OMG ZAYN STOP LOOKING AT YOURSELF IN THAT MIRROR!!!!"


86) When the girl is anorexic but all she does is eat.

You know what? Fuck logic. Who needs it anyways?

87) *Walks in the 1D 'household'*
*Zayn has a mirror*
*Niall is eating*
*Louis is shouting with his mouth full of carrots*
*Harry is flirting with the wall*
*Liam is yelling at everyone to start 'being more responsible'*

.... *exits out of fanfic*

And that's it! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long!!!! These things are so hard to write lol. I hope you liked it!!


p.s.- even though I am not part of their fan base, I want to wish every directioner out there a better week because I know Zayn leaving is hard on you all. I know how I would feel if one of the members of a band I like left. I am deeply sorry for everyone who was affected!! :)

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