The parcel

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"What in the world is this now again?", I sighed. Five minutes earlier I definitely heard the doorbell ringing. So I got up to open the door but as I did nobody was there. Only a rather big package was lying there with my name on it. I couldn't recognize the handwriting but whoever put it there made me curious. Now I was sitting in front of it, contemplating whether or not I should open it. "It could be anything, maybe even getting you in big trouble", my rational side said. "But what if not?", the rest of my brain said. "Whatever", I mumbled and started to open it. Which left me even more clueless. There was a plain black book with a "read me first"-note attached to it on top of a pile of numbered, mysteriously wrapped things inside. Thinking that now I might as well peek in the book I took it out. I inspected it from every side - nothing suspicious. But also nothing that gave me a clue to what could await me. So I opened it. Slowly my brain started to realize what it was. Or rather by whom. The very first words were: "To the woman that enchanted me from the very first moment: I love you." I turned the page and started to read:

"My love, by now you might know who left you this surprise. Yes, it's me, Chan. Please read the book before anything else. You will understand everything afterwards. It tears me apart to think of what lies ahead but it must be. And I guess both of us knew it was gonna happen. But let me say this again: I love you. And nothing can change that.

Do you remember when we first meet? Or rather when I first saw you? You didn't even notice me. Sitting on the park bench over there while I was trying to work on a song. You read a book and were so into it that you wouldn't realize anything around you. I tried to focus on my lyrics, but I caught myself looking at you almost every minute. The way the wind played with your long hair looked like straight out of a movie. The sun shone on it and made it look even more reddish-gold than usually. Your side profile looked so elegant. A small, well-formed nose and full, raspberry-red lips. A forehead that was slightly wrinkled because you concentrated on the book so much. Your hands also fascinated me and I didn't know it could be so attractive to turn a page. I also couldn't take my eyes off your legs – so well formed, so attractive. You sat there somewhat crooked, so I only realized the breath-taking line of your full body as you stood up to walk away. Right when I gathered enough courage to walk up to you and talk to you. But as I saw you standing up, my brain again stopped working. Perfect curves became apparent underneath your black top. Big but not too big hoop earrings were the perfect combination to the absolutely hot looking leather jacket you now put on which again matched so well with the heeled boots that made me wonder how you even walked in them. But you didn't only walk away regularly, you looked like somebody who knows way to well how to play her charms. Now that I know you, I know you actually do. The things you do to me whenever you get a bit more flirty are on a different level to every girl I ever met. But I think you still don't realize how big your impact is even when you don't try. You still enchant me every time I see you. And while I watched you walking by, I suddenly knew that it's gonna be a wild ride if I ever would get the chance to see you again.

As time passed, I figured that you really like reading and seeing you there in the park was actually not that unusual because that's what you did during your lunch breaks of work. So, for every other lunch break I made you a little something. Go ahead, open gift number 1."

I laid the book aside and took out parcel number 1. It was light, small and felt solid. I carefully unwrapped it. My mouth dropped open. I held a little bookmark in my hands that was made out of wood. On it there was a beautiful drawing of a girl sitting on a park bench reading a book. And underneath -it was obviously you who made it- Chan wrote in calligraphy letters: "Forever". I looked for it for quite some time. Then I took the book again and went on reading.

"I hope you like it. It's just a little something... Use it or not – it's up to you."

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