Meeting #13

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"Another memorable moment with you was the next meeting. We talked on the phone and by now I felt comfortable enough around you to tell you honestly that I couldn't wait for the next day-off because I was exhausted. You therefore suggested that – whenever this day-off would be – I could come over and you would cook for me. I loved the idea. So I said yes. But what I didn't say is that I instantly planned to actually help you cooking. I mean – that just meant more precious time together. And when I finally came over once again I innocently asked you about the time I could come over and just as I expected you to you thought out loud: "I'm at work til 5pm. Then I will have to go to buy the ingredients and cook..." I honestly don't remember what time you actually told me to come. All I knew was that I would be waiting in front of your workplace at 5pm. And as you know – it worked. You almost oversaw me. But when you recognized me you started to smile. "What are you doing here? You are way too early!" "I thought I might as well help you cooking. One day I will have to learn it anyways." You shook your beautiful head in disbelief. "You never fail to surprise me. But I told you to relax!" I laughed and put my arm around you: "Spending time with you probably is the most relaxing thing I could think of right now." You blushed – I always found it so cute – and said: "Whatever. Then go ahead. We will have to go shopping first though."

When we arrived at the supermarket you already explained to me what you had in mind for dinner: Steak with vegetables. I liked it. We entered and after getting everything necessary we came across the ice cream. I stopped and you turned around to me. "How about dessert?", I asked. You thought about it: "Sure, why not. Pick one, I'll eat anything." Happily I took out some raspberry, chocolate and vanilla. You raised your eyebrows: "Chan? Do you really think we will need three?" Instead of an answer I put on my best pitiful-puppy-look. You leaned over the shopping cart towards me and repeated: "But three?" Now I even started to whimper a bit. Rolling your eyes you gave in and said: "Whatever. Go ahead, I guess." And with a quite suggestive smile you added: "But that's it for dessert then." After realizing what you said I took out vanilla again and wanted to put it back but laughing you hold me back: "Stop it. I might let you eat the chocolate I still have at home anyways." Pretending this was what you meant from the very beginning you reached out and put the ice cream back in the cart. Then you turned back to me, smiled and said: "Come on. I wanna take you to my house." And with that you left my standing – a bit proud of "my girl's" growing wit.

We then walked home and unpacked everything. "Chan... by the way... I actually also wanted to take a shower after shopping so... Would you mind if I do that real quick? I just need some refreshment." "Nevermind", I answered. You told me to make myself comfortable and promised to be right back. I took the time and looked at some photos that you hang on your wall. They weren't a lot but I was deeply moved as I saw the photo of the two of us from the city tour in between the others.

We started cooking when you came back – changed to more comfortable clothes that looked so good on you. You instructed me on what to do and soon both of us were focused on our tasks. Every now and then one would say something but mostly we hummed along the music you turned on and continued our work. When we were done, I placed everything on the plates while you set up the table. I carefully carried the food over and as I saw the table I once again was amazed by your sense for decoration. On the windowsill you placed one of your many fairy lights and turned it on, artistically arranged around two flowerpots with green plants. On the table itself there were two candles lit up in different sizes. The light was dimmed in general and all in all it looked quite comfy – and romantic. But the finishing touch definitely was you sitting down at the table. "This", I thought to myself, "is what I want to see every evening." I sat down on the opposite side after putting your plate in front of you. The food tasted very good and soon we were caught up in joking and laughing like we always used to. After the main dish we also opened the ice cream – and the chocolate – and wandered over to the couch because it was more comfortable. It got really late while we talked all night about this and that and forgot time over it. It was almost 2am when I left your house and as we said goodbye we hugged in front of your door for quite a long time.

Now I really thought hard on what I could get you for this. But after I got this idea, I immediately knew that this was perfect. Curious? Open present number 13..."

Indeed, I was curious! I took out the corresponding package and cautiously opened it. What I saw amazed me: It was a piece of paper. In the top left corner, he carefully wrote down the recipe we used that day. On the bottom right corner instead, he drew a sketch: A girl sitting at a table that is decorated with two candles in different sizes. On the windowsill behind her were two flower pots and a chain of lights. This boy... I shook my head once again. So much effort – he really must have gone crazy. Even though I loved every single moment since I opened the book a slightly uneasy feeling crept up – so much effort. That was not very usual. "One way to find out why", I told myself and continued.

"I hope you could recognize it. I don't know – it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. But too late to change it now. But that meet-up made me realize that I was way in too deep already. Whenever I saw you, whenever I heard your voice – I knew I would follow you to the end of the world with only mild complaining. So, after seeing our new schedule I decided to try something."

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