Meeting #9

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"Since you could only spare some time for me in the evening the next time, we decided to go visit an amusement park this next time. You told me you usually don't like them that much since you don't like the rides a lot, but you would be willing to try it. We started out doing the "smaller" things. You almost beat me at the shooting booth. I mean, in the end I won but I can't shake off the feeling that you let me win here. You are really good at aiming – remind me to never stand on the wrong side when you're doing that. I will just cover your back... After getting some cotton candy – traditions as you called it – we wandered around a bit, tried other games here and there.

But the best was this: I was standing in front of a ride I wanted to go on and you told me that you rather not do it since you were too scared. But I could go for it, you would just wait and you wouldn't mind if I did. As I shook my head and answered it would be ok, I was just contemplating anyways, we walked away. But we came back around to it a little later by chance and you seemed to sense that I really wanted to try it. You smiled at me: "Go ahead already, everyone can see you want to so bad." I was unsure – you told me you didn't mind being left here but I refused to do so. You sighed. "Chan?" I looked at you: "Yes?" "Stop being so complicated. Whatever holds you back – I fear it is me... If I say I will be fine then I mean it! But since I feel like this still won't work... If you promise to stay right by my side... I guess I could try it. It's time for a challenge anyways. Sometimes you gotta get out of your comfort zone." I looked at you in disbelief: "You don't have to do this. It's ok, I really don't want you to do this just because of me." I saw how your expression changed from scared to determined. Before you could think twice, you grabbed my hand, pulled my over to the queue and said: "Whatever. Now or never." I was surprised upon that sudden change but also so proud of you. I could tell you didn't do that fully only because of me. But I also felt how tight your hand held mine. I was emotionally confused between feeling absolutely perfect because you held my hand and being worried about you. So I went for the middle way and still holding your hand (I maybe couldn't have let go even if I wanted to anyways because you were grabbing mine so tight) I pulled you a bit closer, lifted your head so that you had to look into my eyes and said: "I will be right there next to you. I promise." You seemed to get a bit more comfortable upon this and came a bit closer yourself. I don't have to mention the ride itself, I guess. I was really proud of you going for it and after we got off, you simply said: "Better than expected. But I just don't need this." The whole ride you didn't let go of my hand and now started to get aware of it again. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I really feel safe with you. That's why I decided to try. Without you I guess I wouldn't have done it.", you added. And then you suddenly hugged me. We stood like this for almost a minute I guess until you let go again and – sadly enough without still holding hands now – you pointed to another booth and said: "Now I am to choose. Let's go over there."

I thought quite some time on what I could get you for this evening. Do you remember what we bought last? I tried to find most of it again. Go ahead and open present number 9..."

What a question! Of course I remember what we bought while leaving the amusement park! I felt like I needed some more food after that wild ride back then. I mean – I did feel safe around Chan and I meant everything the way I said it. But it's funny that I seemed to look more composed than I felt. Maybe the hug helped more than I thought. Anyways, I got curious about the stuff inside the parcel again. He did a pretty good job – 6 or 7 packages of various sweets fell in my lap. I smiled as I remembered what he said – all hyped up from the evening: "Some sweets for my sweet lady." I blushed only thinking about it and then continued reading.

"Again – Some sweets for my sweet lady! Enjoy!"

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