Meeting #5

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We chatted so much and even called each other a lot. Somehow it became a habit to call you at least once a week just to hear your voice and make sure you're alright. Or comfort you if not. Every evening I would check my messages in hopes you answered me. Which luckily you did most of the times. I was so happy as I was told I could finally visit Australia again. I instantly called you and asked you if you would have time. You promised to check your work schedule and little later texted me that you could take a day off. So, we agreed on meeting up and the rest of the day I was so happy that every member avoided me cause I "would be unusually annoying today". I didn't mind.

When I rang your doorbell I already felt my heart race and as you opened the door and smiled at me I figured that all this time I missed you more than I admitted. Seeing your beauty right in front of me and hearing your laugh, your beautiful voice and having you by my side made me feel like the king of the world. We didn't plan what to do so we started by just walking around when suddenly you stopped in front of a store and looked at something. "Would you mind...", you began, "I'm sorry, I usually don't like shopping because it is giving me headaches and I promise I won't take long but this top over there looks interesting... Could you spare the time I need to try it on?" I looked at the top and back at you: "You totally should try it on and take yourself as much time as you want. I guess it will look so perfect on you." "Thank you", you smiled and headed inside. I followed and you went over to where the top hung. While you were changing, I was looking around a bit. I found some more clothes that I thought would look good on you and even some accessories. Before doubting myself again I decided to just go for it and took them, headed for the changing rooms. Right when I arrived you stepped out and my mind – once again – went blank. You looked so good. The top was blue and emphasized your eyes perfectly. It was just the right amount of being tight – not too much to give you a clear impression of the body line but enough to tease the imagination a bit. Unsure you looked at me: "I kinda like it but... I would like to have a second opinion?" All I could say was: "Looks good." I cleared my throat, sorted my thought and repeated: "Yes, looks very good. Just perfect for you." You blushed and shortly looked at the floor. But then you looked back up and pointed to the clothes I held in my arms: "I don't think you usually wear woman's clothes. What are you planning?" I became aware of the pile in my arms again and explained: "I just... Don't know. They caught my eye and I thought they might look good on you. You don't have to try them on if you don't want to. I just wanted to... to try it I guess." You smiled at me lovingly, making my nervousness melt away. "I actually could need some new clothes", you said and took them over from me. We laughed a lot that day. Some clothes looked good, some were terrible, some ok. But all in all, we found five new tops for you.

After the clothes we inspected the jewellery. I already figured that you wore different earrings every day but that day I also learned that you had three earholes: one on the right, two on the left side. That is what I thought about getting you present number 5. Go ahead, take a look at it."

It was a quite small parcel. I carefully unwrapped it and instantly smiled upon it. It was a black little hoop earring with a small cross hanging from it that had a glitter stone attached right in the middle. Only one earring, not a pair.

"If you wonder where the other one is... I allowed myself to keep it. So that I can have something that connects us despite all the distance."

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