Meeting #14

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Do you remember when I called you and asked you if you wanted to come to one of our concerts? Backstage? If only you knew how much discussion went into this. Discussion and consideration. And time. Mostly time. Anyways, after being speechless for some seconds you agreed and seemed pretty happy. I told you that I would have to pick you up some hours before the concert actually began. And that you would have to stay til we ourselves could go home. You assured me that this wouldn't be a problem at all.

So a few weeks later I again stood in front of your house and rang the doorbell. You opened the door and once again stunned me with your good looks. I could guess that a lot of thought went into it even though you manage to make it seem like it wasn't. A black top, blue jeans, simple black sneakers with some rhinestones at the side and the obligatory leather jacket. Silver earrings that you didn't only had to put in your earholes but also had a fixing part at the helix and that connected this line by various chains. From the earhole-part a delicate looking feather hung down. Your third earhole was just a plain small, silver ball which wasn't very noticeable but completed the look perfectly. Your beautiful neck was decorated with an equally delicate choker-like necklace made of stringed black rhinestones. You put on a bit of make-up for the finishing – I figured that black eyeshadow, some vague eyeliner and mascara were enough to make me loose my mind. I also got aware that you put on some perfume. You smelled... I don't know. I guess seductive but firm against admirers. I took me quite some time to gather myself back together but then I offered you my arm and said: "Shall we?"

When we arrived at the concert hall, I introduced you to the members. I was so happy seeing that all of you got along so well right from the start. I caught myself thinking that right now my future family met my present family. Stupid, I know. But I really thought that. But how proud I was when Felix took me aside and whispered: "She looks really good. Congratulations. Just... Be careful." When the concert started I felt even more excitement knowing that you watched. I guess it is safe to say I rocked the stage. You gave me strength and confidence but also made me nervous enough to not let my guards down completely. The short and hectic breaks in between got way more relaxed when I heard your laugh or only saw your warm smile around. I saw how much you enjoyed it all and felt so happy. I came back to you after the last song and all the joy took over. I lifted you up and whirled you around. You laughed and for a second I felt like the luckiest person alive. When I put you back on your feet you were still smiling and looked at me lovingly. Then you suddenly giggled again. "What?", I laughed along. Without an answer you just started to pull out some confetti from my hair and then hold it up so I would see it: "This. You are sparkling." We laughed again and I shook my head so that the rest fell out as well. "Hey, I am sparkling as well!", I suddenly heard Han's loud voice. Which caused us to get back to reality. You turned around to him and laughed: "True." Looking at the others you added: "All of you!" I went next to you and put my arm on your shoulders. Then I said: "So. Your first Stray Kids-Concert. How was it?" You looked at me with big, sparkling eyes and when you began to passionately rant about how much you enjoyed it, I believed every single word. We then had to go change which always took quite some while. When we came back you lay on one of the couches and slept. I smiled. Then I walked over and picked you up. I carried you to the car and in the meantime you woke up. Only half awake you murmured something like a thank you and cuddled up to me. You slept the way home as well, leaning against me. When I dropped you off in front of your house you were at least somehow awake. After one last long hug – I almost thought you feel asleep again – we said goodbye. And once again you thanked me from the bottom of your heart to allow you to make such a special, beautiful memory. All in all, I guess it was a perfect day.

To make sure you never forget about this special memory – open present number 14."

I still remembered it all so clearly like it was right in front of my eyes – well, at least everything that happened while I was awake. What Chan didn't knew, is that I actually felt more awake on the drive home already. But leaning against his strong shoulders like this I decided to pretend being sleepy to enjoy it a little longer. Caught up in all those beautiful memories I slowly unpacked the package with the number 14 on it. I smiled. In my hands I held a little jar with confetti.

"Believe it or not – it is the actual confetti from back then. I still found lots after getting home and decided to keep it. And half of it is yours now – allow me to keep the other half."

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