Meeting #7

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"But what must be done, has to be done. So I flew back to Korea. I was so close to asking you if you would like to visit me. But I knew – if the company would see us together, it would be over. This way I could at least pretend you would be like a cousin or something. I hope you understood me there but I feel like you did. I guess that is why you never talked about it as well, isn't it?"

I put the book down for a moment thinking about his words. It's true – I never talked about it. I didn't want to cause any problems. Underneath the magnolia tree I became aware that he might like me as well. I thought maybe it was just a simple and not-long-lasting crush or anything. I hoped so actually because even though I felt like it was different with Chan I also always had in mind that he wasn't supposed to date a girl and therefore also should not have a girlfriend. But I felt too happy around him to keep the distance, telling myself he would get me out of his head soon anyways. But I guess... I guess not.

"The next time I finally got to see you again we already agreed on our next destination. You once told me beforehand that even though you were in Sydney now quite a while you still wouldn't have visited the zoo. Unbelievable! So of course we had to change that. Do you remember how we came up with that stupid but really fun idea of trying to match faces with all the animals? I love the photos we took that day so much. You clearly did such a good job on mimicking a meerkat. The koala-one was really good as well. But nothing beats you just looking yourself. Because even then I could resemble you to an animal. You wanna know which one? Honestly: A lioness. Brave, strong, a fighter spirit, proud. But also caring and loving. Apart from that – of course I have to mention your always wild hair looking like a mane. And as I now know – thanks to you – that is also something lionesses can have. Sometimes they do grow a mane to pretend there are more lions to the family than actually – to intimidate enemies. Pretty intelligent. Which again is another characteristic of you.

But of course, your highlight was the photo of me and the kangaroos. I have to confess, it really turned out kinda good. I guess I really am a human kangaroo. And therefore – open up the 7th present..."

I had a strong suspicion what it was even before opening it. And I was right. It was a very cute and really fluffy kangaroo plushie. With the biggest smile on my face I hugged it tightly while continuing to read.

"You always said you'd feel safe in my arms. Hope that at least this will give you comfort while I am away. It won't hug back, I'm afraid, but maybe you can imagine feeling my arms around you."

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