Meeting #11

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"The next time was around the time when there supposed to be a lot of shooting stars. I was determined to spend such a night with you. But there also is the tradition of enjoying this sight together with my family around a campfire with some snacks and drinks. Forced to finally gather up my courage I asked my parents if I could invite you over. Not beforehand nor afterwards I heard anything about my plan from them except that they really liked you. But honestly – who wouldn't? I still wonder what they thought when I asked them though. They seemed suspicious all along – I mean I would meet up with you whenever I was around and I guess they could tell that I fell for you pretty soon. But they always allowed me to settle things for myself. They asked once about how to combine you and the dating ban, but I just pretended like you weren't showing any sign of interest in me – which wasn't true at that time, to be honest. And I guess this evening clearly showed it. We both knew even beforehand. But like I said – They let me settle it myself. The only other comment was "Think about this well."

Anyways – you looked different when you opened the door this evening. Not with your leather jacket but rather like "the nice girl from next-door". I guess you wanted to go for that style so that the chances of my family liking you were a bit higher. I stood there in front of your door and smiled at you – I guess you saw I had something in my mind. You smiled back and even before saying hi you went: "What?" My smile grew bigger. You burst out laughing as I began: "I wanna take you to my house", but then you hummed along to the chorus and even let me grab your hand when I did the corresponding choreography. I laughed – I love how you just go along with things like this. Otherwise I would have been really embarrassed... I still don't know why exactly I did this. So now holding your hand we walked towards "My house". After introducing you to my family we sat around the usual campfire, talked and ate. You seemed shy and nervous at first and I was tense on how my family would react to you, but it went so well that both of us relaxed quite soon. As it got later, we lied down in the grass and started to look at the night sky which was luckily absolutely clear. We counted how many shooting stars we saw and as time passed my siblings went to bed and my parents decided to leave us alone saying they would start to clean up a bit inside. As I mentioned before you didn't have your leather jacket with you this time and away from the campfire you seemed to get a bit cold. As I realized that I got up and brought you one of my hoodies. You thanked me and explained you might have underestimated the cold a bit. Now sitting I just shrugged my shoulders: "Guess your leather jacket is a bit warmer than this outfit." You also sat up and replied: "Guess so." Now I don't know why you did so but suddenly you leaned on me and I was a bit surprised at first but before you could move away again – taking all the chances you gave me – I put my arm around your shoulders. We sat like this for quite some while and talked about our wishes and dreams, continued to count shooting stars and warmed each other as the night grew colder. Maybe it was the (reasonable!) amount of alcohol that made me like this, but I told you things I never told anyone before that night. And you did as well. Was it the alcohol for you too...? I mean you were slightly tipsy in between... No, kidding, you were very cute and intelligent enough to stop drinking soon enough. And as we talked, I didn't even realize that you drank anything before. Guess you feel the alcohol pretty fast but also shake it off with the same speed, huh?

Anyways, this night was so precious that we almost forgot the time. I dropped you off at almost 3am and when I walked back home I slowly started to realize that I really would have to make a decision soon. I didn't want to miss you in my life anymore but this stupid dating ban... What should I do? I pressed the hoodie you gave me back closer to me and could slightly smell your remaining scent on it. And I knew that whatever would come up: The one I wanted to have by my side was you. And now – Go on and open present number 11."

I could imagine this scene so well. I felt emotionally confused: touched, somehow sad because he wasn't here right now, proud and incredibly happy upon the words. What could be inside the next package? I picked it up. It felt soft and the size gave me a small hint about its content. As I opened it, I figured I was right once again. I held Chan's hoodie up and felt the tears coming up a bit. It was the exact same one he gave me that evening. I hugged it tightly and now it was me smelling his scent. I suddenly understood him completely. Funny though – seems like we both gave up any last resort of resistance that specific night, even though we both were unsure on how it would turn out. But before giving in to my longing for him I decided to go on reading.

"Stay warm at cold nights and maybe don't forgot about me... It sounds stupid but to me it still smelled a bit like you until some days ago when I decided to give you this. But then I thought the point is the scent, right? I mean at least somehow. So, I finally washed it and wore it almost every day. Hope it worked out..."

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