Meeting #10

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"Our next meeting was dominated by the weather. It was pouring down heavily. Too bad... So we decided to not take a walk but rather make ourselves comfortable and play some games this whole afternoon. We started playing UNO at first. It was a mess. After losing three times in a row you got a bit sulky and suggested to play another game. I agreed. You look really cute while sulking and I guess I would have agreed on almost anything anyways. So we then tried Halli-Galli. This time it was more even with the wins. But it got boring after some repeats and we switched to other games. We played a total of 5 different games that day. The whole time we just enjoyed ourselves and once more you showed me what it means to feel completely free around somebody. I mean – I feel free around my members as well as you know but you just have a different effect, I guess.

It was also the first time I was at your place for longer than just picking you up. I felt comfortable the moment I saw it. You have a talent for making an apartment look comfy and elegant the same time. And I figured you really like fairy lights, don't you? As I asked you about it you said that the made such great lighting in the evening and even though you considered it as "it may sounding stupid" you told me you feel healed whenever you just sit on your couch with a cup of tea, surrounded by fairy lights, listening to music or watching movies or anything. I totally get it though. It's not something that sounds stupid but rather something that is absolutely relatable. Therefore... Present number 10 it is..."

I was surprised Chan still remembered even those small, unimportant talks in between. I myself completely forgot about the fairy lights. Caught up in these thought I almost didn't realize that my hands already were unpacking the next parcel. But when I hold it in my hands I had to smile. Different tea bags – only herb teas or spicy ones like the ones I use to drink – and a chain of fairy lights. Bull's eye. I put them aside deciding I would set them up immediately after finishing the book.

"Hope those will help you heal as well. Because you gave me healing time every minute I got to spend with you."

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