Meeting #6

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"So, I was back in Korea soon. We talked about this and that again. Everything could have been the way it was before but somehow I felt like I missed you even more. The next time we would meet I decided that I would want to do something that is special, not just walking around without a certain plan. Therefore, I came up with this. I already knew that you worked as a gardener – for a reason. You have such a great passion for nature, plants and everything connected to it. So as soon as I was having free time to come to Australia, I asked you out again. You agreed and I came over to pick you up. "So... What do you wanna do today?", you asked as you got your leather jacket – which I love so, so much – and locked your door behind you. "Let me surprise you", I smiled, offered you my arm and led you to my car.

You were in really high spirits, babbling the whole time about different things. Every once in a while, you asked about where we would be headed to but I always told you to be patient. You then tried to persuade me with pretending to sulk or being cute but as I was firm about it you soon changed back to talking like a waterfall. Even though I almost couldn't say anything the whole time I enjoyed it quite a lot, hearing your voice after such a long time. At the end of the drive you realized as well: "Oh my, I am so talkative today. I'm sorry." I just smiled. I parked the car I came over to open the door for you. "Oh, thank you, how polite of you", you said, slightly blushing. You got out, again took my arm naturally and looked around. We were standing in front of Sydney Gardens. "That is indeed a surprise – You hit the bull's eye with this", you said amazed. I just smiled again and let you to the entrance.

We were walking around the Gardens the whole day while you explained everything about all the different plants. Even though I was astonished by you already you really amazed me more and more with your knowledge and passion and I caught myself thinking: "I wish I would have such a passion. Or that you would have that sparkling eyes when you talk about me." I then asked you what your favourite plant was and you first laughed but then explained: "I guess every gardener would agree on how hard it is to actually choose one. I don't think I really have one. I mean I can't even decide on a favourite tree or flower. I really love plants that are somehow special. Like really rare or that bloom at a time no other plant usually blooms. But I also am amazed by the typical flowers like roses or lilies. Basically, I guess you would have a harder time finding something I don't like." We went on as you suddenly stopped looking at a tree. "Now this is a good example. This is the so-called witch hazel. It blooms when – at least in my home country – everything is still covered in deep snow. I was so amazed when I saw it the first time. But also over there...", you pointed at a Magnolia, "I guess everybody likes them. They also bloom earlier than most other plants – depending on the kind. But no matter which one – I love them all." I smiled and then saw a bench right underneath the magnolias which allowed a view at one of the lakes, so I suggested to sit down right underneath. You agreed and we walked over. On the bench there was a flower lying – not a Magnolia, something I couldn't recognize. You picked it up and looked at me suspiciously. "What?", I asked but you just laughed and answered: "Look over there." As I did so you placed the flower right behind my ear and giggled again. I rolled my eyes but smiled along. You can't tell how much I wanted to kiss you this exact time. But maybe you got a hint of it because you suddenly stopped laughing as our eyes met and blushed a bit. We looked in each other's eyes for only about 10 seconds, but it felt like the world stopped and time got slower. And right before I didn't want to hold back anymore you looked away and cleared your throat. "Shall we sit down then?", you asked and did so. Somehow sad I sat down right next to you. I didn't dare to put my arm around you this time, but I wished I could have.

We then just somehow got back to the mood before and took some photos with and without the flower, together and everyone on their own. I still can hear your laugh looking at them and can feel what I felt looking into your eyes under that tree. And somehow Magnolias are now my favourite plants... What you don't know though is what I kept and now put in package number 6. Do you wanna take a look?"

I could remember this day so well. I was really excited about what he would have planned. I, too, could feel the romantic atmosphere between us but too scared to give in I looked away first. After all, he was still the famous Idol (with the dating ban) and I was just somebody who didn't want to get her heart broken like this. Back then I thought that it might be better to at least be able to be around him even if that meant that I wouldn't be able to be with him. Unsure of what would be in it I looked at the present in my lap for some time. But then I opened it and inside I saw a box. And in the box...

"Do you recall what it is? Yes, I kept that flower and dried it. And now you shall have it. I forgot about it til we left. People tend to look strangely at me in general, so I didn't recall the flower in my hair. But as I saw it again in the car's mirror, I thought I might as well keep it. To never forget about this day. It was such a good day that I drove a bit slower just to save some more time with you. And I stood a bit longer in front of your house than usual. I already knew I would miss you so bad."

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