Meeting #3

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"After that I really didn't see you again for quite some time it seemed. A whole week I couldn't find you either in the park nor the café. But as I slowly lost hope, I spotted you. It was raining and you were standing at that bus stop without a hood or an umbrella or anything. Boots, leather jacket as usual – but your appearance didn't look as self-confident as normally. Instead you looked rather sad. Even though I planned to go all-in if I ever would get the chance and come across you again, I felt that it wouldn't be right. Not now. And as I got to know you, I figured that I actually was lucky – You're not the girl to be impressed by somebody like that. But back to the story: I walked over to you and stood next to you so you would be under my umbrella. Curious you turned around and when I saw your face, I immediately felt a sadness I couldn't avoid. You cried. It may sound weird but crying makes your eyes even more beautiful. The fresh air made your cheeks blush and your lips even fuller. "Thank you but you don't have to", you said, trying to control your tears. I just shook my head and laid my hand on your shoulder. I felt so shy and didn't know what to do but I wanted to comfort you. At the same time, I wanted to hear your voice again – it sounded so soft, melancholic and the warmth in it made me feel so comfy. You then gave a little ironic laugh and said: "Chan. I know you. I love Stray Kids; you guys always are kinda my safe haven. And you personally say that we can always come to you with our problems. But that I actually come across you – or rather the other way round – when I feel down... I never thought that this would happen." You stopped and sobbed again. I couldn't take it anymore and threw all my second thoughts overboard. I pulled you in and held you close. Very vaguely I heard your "Thank you." "Nevermind", I simply answered. After quite some time you stopped crying and freed yourself from my hug. "I'm sorry. For taking up your time, for bothering you and for well... leaving my tears on your shirt I guess", you said while tilting your head and looking at my chest. I gently lifted your head so that you looked into my eyes: "Never ever apologize for something like that again, ok?" You seemed to contemplate my honesty a bit but finally you nodded. "Ok", I continued, "and now let's go and flee from the rain. And then you can tell me everything that made you this sad – if you want to talk about it. Shall we?" I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have said yes to this as well. Probably I would have asked you for a date right away like the fool I am around you. I don't wanna stir up everything you told me that day, but I understood a lot back then. You told me about the friend that visited you for the week. She was from your home country. And after I got to know your story, I knew why you left – I guess everybody would have done the same. But after your friend left again you felt home sickness coming up. You told me it wouldn't be long since you're here in Sydney and you barely know the city, not to talk about any other persons. And when you said bye to your friend at that bus station it was just too much for you and you started crying. Some months later you revealed to me that you felt free to tell me everything since you thought you would never see my again: "You are famous and have a full schedule. I know you really do care about your fans, but I didn't think you would really stick around this whole time. But maybe that is why I feel even more comfortable around you now." Those were your words, remember?

Anyways – let's not hope you will be standing there in the rain again crying – not alone. Now you have friends, know the city better than I do and can finally call Sydney your home. Only thing that you need to prevent it – present number 3."

I opened the next package. I laughed: It was an umbrella. Black with colourful dots in various sizes – just like the one you had with you that day. But being fully immersed in the story I kept on reading.

"Do you recognize it? Use it well, my love. I don't want you to be sad. With this I can always be with you."

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