The question

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"I guess you didn't look at the files yet, huh? That is ok. I will tell you right now: Every single photo I have of you or both of us is on it. Some you don't even know because I took them without you knowing. And a song. A song only for you that I worked on for quite some time now. I hope you like it.

Anyways, let me fully ruin the mood right now. I know, this is something that should be delivered personally but I just couldn't. Writing it down already breaks my heart. So, let me get this over with. The deal was that I get to see one more time. One last time. But afterwards I would have to delete your number and change mine. I promised to not go visit you again while having the dating ban.

But here's the thing: I know from all the senior groups that dating ban isn't for forever. I could promise the company to do all that in hopes I wouldn't have to endure it til my last breath – I couldn't have done that. So I came up with this plan. You have the song. Only you and I know about it. And I know you regularly watch my Vlives. If you are willing to forgive me for kinda deciding for us both like this... Keep watching them. One day I will be able to play the song on the livestream. I will then tell openly that I would visit my friends in some days. Like – the exact date. And like I said – If you can forgive me: Please be at the park that day, on that same old bench like the first day I saw you.

Now, I can understand if you are mad at me know. I basically tell you to wait for who knows how long for this boy you only seen 14 times in your life – intense times, but still... And I am not the only one out there – a woman like you could easily find somebody else who is way less complicated than I am. It hurts to even think about this, but I just want you to be happy. So, if that is what you want than all of this was pointless. Then I won't see you again. And I won't force you to do anything. I made my decision. I want to be with you. That means I will have to wait until the dating ban will expire for me. Therefore, I somewhat made a decision for you as well. Once again. I am sorry. Even more, knowing that I didn't have the courage to tell you in person. But the final step is up to you now. This book isn't completely filled yet. There are still some empty pages left – Will you wait for me?"

I put the book down. It took me a while until I understood what exactly this meant. Now what? I had other plans for my life than maybe wasting my time with waiting for somebody for an undefined time spam that could be either a few months or several years! But... I felt it, too. I understood exactly what he wrote, laughed, almost cried and saw all those scenarios right in front of me while reading along. I could understand why he decided like that and also why he couldn't tell me in person. And moreover – that kiss had a strong and probably long-lasting impact. Whenever I thought about it my heart raced again and I felt my cheeks blushing. I looked at my table where all the presents piled up. So that was why he made all that effort. I felt tears coming up. But then my eyes caught the USB. Without hesitation I grabbed it and headed over to my laptop. I looked through the photos – all different yet all of them showed both of us or only me full of joy. I sighed. What if I wait for him but it turns out that over time we changed too much to still have this kind of relationship? Or it turns out we were just over-romanticising all of this? Then I would really have wasted my time. And destroyed these beautiful memories. After gathering up some courage I clicked on the song. And while I listened to it, I made a decision.

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