His TweetyBird

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I have a thing to clear about Siya's behaviour. She is pregnant , she needs her baby to be safe. Abhimanyu is the  one who saved her and she already understood his wrath. So she gave up easily. Don't think her weak. She is The Queen. Remember that. 

I am updating continuously  so please vote all the chapters. And i am sorry as i really don't have time to reply to all your comments



One important thing I want to tell you all is - the book is already updated on NovelCat. You can read it there also. I won't update it here anymore. It's maybe the last chapter.

A hard slap landed on Abhimanyu's white cheek. For the first time, Mrinal slapped him. 

'You made her pregnant and then married her. How could you Abhimanyu Singh Raizada tell me.' 

Siya gasped looking at the pretty , angel like woman slapping this man and the reason was something she didn't expect in her whole life. 

'Ma I love her. I would never do something against your upbringings.' He said the truth. He wasn't at fault but he needs time to tell them truth. 

'Really? So this was our upbringing. How dare you to make her pregnant before marriage. Tell me?' Abhay hold his collar. They felt heartbroken when they heard him saying she is 2 months pregnant. 

This is not what he taught his son. This wasn't something Mrinal  expected from her 'Abhi babu'. 

And as a grand parents Vishal and Devika felt ashamed to look at the girl whom their grandson got pregnant and then married her.  How could he do that? How could he be someone so pathetic? 

Rohan rubbed his temple and said 'I am sorry to interrupt, can I take Siya to her room?' 

He didn't want her to stay here or it will not be helpful to do what he wants to do. 

'Yes yes, how can we forget about this child? Rohan take her to my room only.' Devika moved to her side and said 'Go and take rest. Order whatever you want to eat, make yourself comfortable.' 

Siya's brain again couldn't register how this old lady can be this sweet who was ragging in anger few seconds ago on his grandson. 

She nodded and started walking with Rohan. 

'Wait TweetyBird.' He stopped her and said 'Ma won't you do her arti. She is my wife Ma, my love.' 

He wanted his mother to do their arti , perform all the rituals what he saw till now. 

'NO' Mrinal said and Siya's eyes teared up. She knew this marriage wasn't some bond of love. It was her fate's play only , still it hurt her when Mrinal rejected to  perform arti and  welcome her. She was always unwanted. Abhimanyu's heart broken with a single NO. 

'Because you got married in some papers. I will do her arti when you both will marry in front of us with all rituals. And that is Tomorrow.' Mrinal completed her sentence. 

'And till them she will be with me.' Devika said as the female worker came to take Siya. 

All stood their with happy tears. Siya took a breathe of relief and walked to the room. 

As she left heartbroken Mrinal said 'You could have marry her and them all these..' 

She couldn't complete her words. Abhimanyu stood their hanging her head down behaving like a real culprit. 

Mrinal stood up from the couch and said 'Abhi , Choti ma and Chote papa we should go and start preparation. After it's my great son's marriage.' 

Abhimanyu still didn't utter a word. But Rohan had it enough. 

'Aunty we found her last night in the broth*l.' He dropped the bomb. All four of them felt a pang on their heart. This 21 years old girl faced the worst. Mrinal didn't want her thoughts to come true. 

'And she is the same girl whom she is searching from last 16 years.' 

Their world stopped. He waited for her 16 years and then found her in worst. 

'And she was ra..' 

'STOP IT ROHAN. THE BABY IS MINE.' Abhimanyu yelled at him. 

'YES THE BABY IS YOURS. BUT SPILL OU THE DAMN TRUTH.' Rohan's voice was more dangerous. He doesn't want his bff to suffer and same goes for Siya also. He knows what exactly Laila told him. And it's important for his family to know the truth from beginning only. 

'It's the only truth.'  Rohan wanted to punch his handsome face for his stubbornness. 

'NO Abhi Babu , tell me. tell me what happened to my daughter?' A voice both Abhay and Abhimanyu can't deny. 

He ran to her like a kid, hugging her tummy he said 'Ma, ma I couldn't save her. I couldn't save the girl I love.' 

And the great Abhimanyu  broke down. 


Abhay hold his wife who was crying like a mother whose own daughter was hurt. It was true Siya became her daughter from the moment she got married to her son. Six of them were sitting inside the hall with tears in their eyes. Abhimanyu told them everything except one thing. 

Devika was also in Vishal's arms. The truthas too painful to accept. Mrinal wiped her face as Abhay kissed her side head.  She stood up and said 'Let's go Choti ma. we really need to prepare for our daughter's welcome.' 

Abhimanyu looked up and smile. Rohan also stood up and said 'Let's go aunty I need to take revenge from this guy.' 

'As you will get a chance.' Abhimanyu mocked him back. 

'Wait everyone.' Vishal came by Abhimanyu's side and said 'We all are sorry for not trusting our own upbringings, our son's morals. Hope you will forgive us.' 

Abhimanyu knelt down in front of his grand father and said 'I am glad that you all accepted her. And never say like this Chote dadu. You are my father's father , guardian of all of us.' 

Devika smiled hearing his words , still he is same, down to earth, close to his loved ones.  

'There is nothing wrong with her. She is your choice and so is ours.' Devika said. 

Soon everyone left while Mrinal kissed her son's forehead and pressed a ice cube on his cheek.  She kept crying while doing this. She felt herself as a terrible mother to hurt her son without any reasons. And a single tears from her eyes was equal to thousands death of Abhimanyu. 

'I am sorry.' She kept saying while crying . He took her hands kissed her hands 'It's okay Ma, I love you more.' 

She smiled knowing how he always says 'I love you more.' 

'I love you more more.' She kissed his cheek. 

'Just take care of her Ma, she has social anxiety.' 

'Don't worry , she is our daughter we will take care of our daughter and grandchild my dear baby boy.' She pinched his nose. 

For them Siya's bay is blessings afterall. 

After she left to prepare for tomorrow, Abhimanyu moved to his father 'Bapi did I do something wrong?' 

'Nothing my champ. I am really sorry. Forgive ..' 

'Bapi know, I would bear my death but not apologies from you all.' He hugged his father. 

Abhay hugged him back and said 'Congratulations my champ , you are going to be father and husband also.' 

And with a pause said 'And take your revenge in the most brutal way.' 

A dark smile came into Abhimanyu's lips. After all he is god's most cruel yet beautiful creation.  



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