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Out of place | Sakukage
By: Zackdesaii

//Wherein Kageyama should've just stayed at the past, but Sakusa weren't going to let him be.

//credits both to @guillemclua(twitter), the translator @brendonsexual(twitter) and uhhh, the one who shared the story in fb (I forgot sorry) for the inspiration.

//supposed to be an entry for hqdecemberchallenge

Did I just manage to make a double update?? 🎉🎉🎉

#Sakukage #sciencefiction #timetravel


Have you ever wondered about how the future is not as great as people describes it to be? Because our future selves wouldn't call themselves the future unless the current them goes back in time, don't you think that what we are today is our past's future? We may have become someone we didn't want to be, or expected to be, or maybe we even surpassed our expectations regarding our own well being. Well, either way, our timeline is very complex than we can ever imagine.

The steady phase of his footsteps echoed through the godforsaken tunnel as he stride calm steps in the dark. It felt like he'd been walking forever, not sure where the cavern would lead him. Fortunately or unfortunately though, he knew exactly where he's heading, but time seemed to move ever so slowly as if he's been given the privilege of enjoying the walk before his death.

Sakusa Kiyoomi was never a bad guy. He's just harsh and distant to others because they 'carry filthy germs'. That's just about everything he says to anyone who attempts to get close to him. Ask this one sangwoo guy from Inarizaki High, and he'll tell you how he'd been rejected many times and pushed away because of unseen 'bacterias'. Gosh, maybe these things-whatever they are, can eradicate humanity afterall, because the ravenette's action doesn't make sense if he only feared them for existing.

I mean---- all species were raised because of simple single-celled prokaryotes, so he doesn't really have to fear the beings especially when those germs he's been too aloof about can't be seen by their naked eyes.

Oh, but a little spoiler alert, Sakusa never feared those greeny nanos. He hated them.

Nevertheless, Sakusa didn't care. He never liked the company of other people, and of course that includes Kageyama Tobio.

Fuck the guy.

There's something about that one, supposed to be an unimportant extra ravenette that, through primary school, made his innocent flowers swell and bloom through his system like a dream. They never met again after sixth grade but by high school they once again did.

Indeed they were still young, and solely because of that did everything turned out pretty funny. There are many things that accounts for his attraction for the milkfish, but even that wasn't enough to let him stay and that's the funny part. Even though he left he can't get the feelings he have for Tobio to go away can't prevent the unavoidable. Instead Sakusa became the madman he is, only appointing his knowledge to selfishly stay alive.

As a human with feelings and urge to communicate, that is.

Still in the dark he fixed his tie, proceeding to comb his non existent cowlicks to waste time. He wanted to be presentable for the ravenette, to once again meet that one person whom he broke his heart with.


Now in the same cozy and warm cafe, on the same table, by the same window and the same bitter choice of coffee the two ravenettes enjoyed their drinks in an awkward ambiance. Kiyoomi lifted the hand holding his coffee, drinking its content whilst watching how Kageyama avert his eyes immediately after he was caught. It's been a while since they (supposedly) last met---maybe three, no, four years already. However Tobio still hadn't changed. He's still the same dear he kissed at the back of the school before, and the same guy who reside in his mind rent free. He looks so pretty and handsome, something Sakusa couldn't say the same for himself.

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