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Red Moon | Tsukikage
By: zackdesaii

// Tsukikage vampire au
Werebeast(wolves) au

#vampire!Kageyama #vampire servant!Tsukishima


The clock ticks and tocks in an eerie way, in an eerie silence, in this empty room. His exhales kept sounding like pants, but there's nothing that keeps his head noisy. Everything seemed ragged, and nebulous. Kageyama Tobio tried to sleep his reality on his late grandpa's desk, air smelling like salonpas that his grandpa loves very well. Pictures of volleyball moments hung free on the wall in their wood like frames of different sizes, and they looked like they are seeing through the ravenette. It was scary yet comforting knowing that his family are the faces of such things. There's not as much as a scintilla that managed to infiltrate those thick black curtains that hung heavily by the window, but in fact he wanted to stay in that moment for as long as he can, for as long as the blond would let him to. "You sure like to keep everything by yourself, king. " rang a voice not too far from the positioned male.

"You're always hiding. It's irritating. " continued he, he who keeps on seething in Tobio's skin. The silence comforted him, he was fine there, but the tall salty fry just have to break it. How did he manage to get inside anyway? He was sure he locked the door from the inside- oh of course. Miwa nee must've gave him the key.

He tucked himself more, wanting sleep to visit him more. Kageyama Tobio exactly knows what he's doing, yet he just couldn't resist the urge to go in the male's skin as much as Tsukishima does on him. He smiled beneath his crossed arms.

Tobio ignoring him pisses Tsukishima off. He's got a damn mouth for fuck's sake but he doesn't even use it! Why can't he open up just for once, instead of sulking like a brat inside the old man's study? "You know what, fine. I'll be taking my leave now your highness. I forgot commoners like me shouldn't initiate a talk with nobles. " Tsukishima bitterly snarled before slamming the door shut. Oh boy, he must be real angry right now. Worry waltz their way into his system and the smell of blood dominated once again. How empty can a mind be when he writes again? Kageyama unfolded his arms, sat straight up on the chair, a small folded paper on the surface. Blood seeped through his tee, which he covered with the now blood-soaked hoodie from one of Tsukishima's closet. The ravenette raised a quilt, pulled the ink glob near him and wrote things he'll need. Once gone and done, he pulled the thread beside him that chimed on the butler's pantry, Ushijima appearing in his well-tailored three piece suit. His hair was neatly settled at the back, eyes that of eagles in their hunt. Kageyama smiled at him weakly, before handing him the letter he placed in a white envelope. It had the seal of their family, stamp, date, everything. He worked it all out.

The tall butler didn't question anymore, but you could see the worry as red crawled almost instantly to those of white, leaving with a bow. How empty is the mind when he's writing, huh. Everyone is said to be their own protagonist, and even in such young age, what he write is not his dream, but of reality and... Death.

"Kageyama, it's a wonderful day to play, isn't that right? " said the gingerhead, Hinata Shoyo. While the majority would take the nimble as someone harmless and innocent, those who've seen his other side knows how well the guy uses his mask, it wouldn't be a surprise at all if talking to this demon will be his last.

"Oh, indeed. You'll say that. " Tsukishima suddenly joined, bombarding the visit of the small acquaintance. "I never asked for you, Tsukishima. Leave now. " he said, leaning his chest onto the table to cover up the widening slit.

"I smell blood. And it's yours. Now if you're not confident to say that this guy had successfully made a plan to assassinate you, then I'll do the dirty work. " Kageyama sighed knowing there would not be stopping to this equally egocentric fool. Eyes of gold was replaced by red, then in one second blood had gushed everywhere.

How sleepy are the eyes when thinking of words in this quiet and empty work? Blurred vision had made him stumble upon the first attempt to stand, landing head first before anything else. Yawns had slipped through his cracks, eyes beginning to lengthen it's blinking, hands palming his face to stay conscious.

"I need to sleep-"

"You should've told me you're bleeding, your highness. But I think your ego had caught up to you." said Tsukishima in his usual tired of shit tone. It was so vocal he couldn't resist taking care of it, thus suddenly standing towards the guy on the door for a kiss. Tongues twirl. Salivas mixed. Each suck and explore the other's insides whilst letting their hands firm on their grip. Mind going blank and clothes disappearing from point 2 to point 3, everything is irrelevant anymore. There was nothing in this kiss other than a burning desire for lust and healing, and so they decided to do just fine with that. It was moments like this does Kageyama feel like he's alive, and, well, living normally like other people.


They finished midway. He made Tsukishima unconscious when he noticed the slit refusing to close despite the act, instead growing wider and bloodier than it had first stained the bed sheet beneath. Kageyama sighed as he stare into nothing, mind in utter emptiness and everything seemed to stop. Beside him is the blond sleeping soundlessly, his front lying onto the mattress. Tobio knows for a fact that this tall fry beside him wouldn't like what he did, thank goodness.

Vampires and werewolves are known to be eternal foes, their bloods practically rejecting the other. It was like Romeo and Juliet, but more realistic and... Remorseful. The slit was supposed to be a scratch from one of those dogs, but it grew and crawled, went deeper and longer as little time left him in it's rushing trail.

The wolves that night snarled from afar, eyes sharp and dangerously awaiting for that moment of red, where the moon would be tainted completely by blood, but they shall not attack. No, not yet. Revenge is sweeter when the other equally craves for that one thing. A deep growl escaped from the throat and ready to jump to where they will hear a sound. But they waited.

"Til death do us part, huh.. Pity you won't know that I... Love you, peasant. " and with that, Kageyama Tobio, a superior vampire, turned completely to ash, dead permanently shall his soul be rested.

Ayo, greetings! I'm sorry for not posting for like, a week now? I'm very tight scheduled for the week and I still have my lot to do. Anyway, don't you think Tsukikage is so precious? When I started writing haikyuu fanfiction, I started with Tsukikage when my first kageyama harem ship is iwaoikage.

Tsukikage gives me this kind of comfort and starting point, like, whenever I want to write, or have trouble in writing, tsukikage always comes into my mind.

Oh, and to start conversations with you guys,,,, who's your favorite ship? What do you think makes them amazing? (not me hoping you guys will interact with me TUT) well, for me it's Tsukikage because their bond is like cats and dogs clashing whenever like couples fighting and >/////< just---just!

Oh, and I may or may not post until Saturday or Sunday, or maybe Wednesday til Sunday but who knows? See you 'round guys!

Thank you for reading!!

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