tsukikage again

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House of Revenge
By: Zackdesaii

//Supposed to be another book but I'm not confident so here it is.

//part 1 of ?

//Wherein love is like a house of cards. The more cards you place, the more anxious you become.


Atsumu died for the sake of Tsukishima Kei, Osamu received an injury and Sakusa is missing after his lover died.

//future warnings to put since it'll spoil the fun.

#multiplemarriage #Atsukagesinks #butTsukikagelives #Didtheylive? #herewegoagainwith #Yachitheantagonist #Tsukiyachi
#Wait...there'salsoTsukihina #fckiteveryonelovesKei #exceptforsomepeople

There is only one reason why Tobio was married to Tsukishima Kei; to crush him, make him feel the bitterness of a broken heart.

It doesn't matter if he's not the first wife, what matters is that he can make it hard for him to have a secure, happy life. Not on his watch.

He overheard it before, the blond and his trusted brother. By then two weeks have passed since Tobio's former husband, Atsumu Miya and cousin to the Tsukishima siblings, died because Kei refused to marry Yachi Hitoka, one of the richest female in the country.

To defend him Atsumu took a bullet right in his chest. To protect him Osamu received a hard knock on his head leading him to a coma with little assurance of waking up. Sunarin refused to leave his side since then but he can only imagine how much hatred the ravenette harbored as someone who does not take pain easily. Come to think of it, all of them, including Tobio, were made of poison hues. All of them are like porcupines who would prick everyone who dares to hurt them.

But anyway, Kei can marry anyone for many times as a family tradition, but the stupid fuck said he loves his husband of a tick so much and hates to hurt him. Yet he offered to marry him without a beat after Atsumu died.

If he didn't know better, he'd think he's desperate for new lovers.

Sakusa, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found, but it's for sure that he won't let Atsumu's death be in vain( one, since he's Tobio's cousin and two.. Uhm, that one is taboo)

Whether he's going to take the bloody path or not, the madman doesn't care. If he failed to overhear the siblings about their demise, he would've been in the same path.

Of course, it was equally as cruel as killing someone, but mentally and emotionally breaking someone was the fitting way to make the high and mighty Tsukishima Kei bend on his knees. He vowed to Atsumu, he will take revenge for his death.

One way or another.


The morning was orange. The sun rays in finite number escaping through the narrow gaps between the blinds are like strays of hope for a change. He rose to a small box on top of the blanket; a black leather box similar to the one Atsumu had when he proposed to him. In it was a ring he placed on the other hand, because if not he will have to throw it away which he couldn't bear to since it was from their wedding.

Tobio reached for the box. It felt like a thin layer of fur, so less that only when you scratch it the texture will be felt. The sound tingles the senses, yet not unpleasant as he first thought it would.

He wasn't surprised to see a ring between the dents designed with foam. A silver one, designed with dark blue gems akin to his eyes. There's a golden one in the middle and with the rest coloring midnight, the color stands out. As though the night sky and its moon.

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