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The night | Kenhinakage

//inspired by Mafia42

#Kenhinakage #Kenkage #Ekleipsisbasedoneshot


The night has fallen, much to Kenma Kozume's dismay. He speed walk towards nearby doors, knocking continuously to enter yet no one opened up to him. Even in this frantic moment of banging still, disturbing the eerie silence of the south city, without even a single person letting him in, Kenma continued. The town was too quiet for his own liking, and he can already feel the first consequence of forgetting time in exchange of crime-- not that you can call it one even if you it's qualified to be. He's an undeniably cold business man who risked others for profit, taking advantage of their weaknesses, threatening fellow businessman, killing if he have to, auctioning money for shares, and building bars as firm sources of income. He may be the richest man in town, or even across the country, yet he could feel his efforts laughing at him.

Cold wind bite him hard, goosebumps all over his arm after being kissed by malice-hungry presences. Ah, the time has come, the night is already that deep for ghosts to then wake up.

These dark hollow entities kill whoever and whatever is alive, you're only lucky if one of them doesn't go through the wall only to find your hiding spot. However, the most horrifying about that is, only non-human could pass through anything, as ghosts are only allowed to walked through land and not tresspass any households or buildings. Still, Kenma shrunk in the corner of a house' railings he just knocked, raising his case as a protection from their sight. Ghosts and ghosts of passed away people, and of beings that never lived on the surface of the Earth as mortals rose for a banquet. If the sight isn't scary, wait until one of them sees you.


The creaky door behind made him stoically frightened, the door gap being as slim as a tube and eyes of blue peeking at him. He's been watching behind the closed torn curtains of what the blond would do next. The ravenette had decided to prolong the wait until that certain ginger ghost had turned away, and when he did, Kageyama Tobio pulled the pudding head immediately as if he's a bag that he just remembered to place inside.

Right after being pulled the ravine pulled the curtains further, encircling all sides to ensure not even a peak could squeeze through. He even patch pieces of wools on the tiniest gaps, before pulling him infront of the fireplace. Kenma was forced to sit on the floor carpet by the mute person, who left to somewhere in a frantic manner. It was still a wonder how he could aid him without being found by any ghosts out there but decided not to mention it. He was lucky the guy saved him, but before he could proceed to think about skeptical things, a blanket was thrown all over his body, with a shaky, "Do not move. Do not speak. Whatever you hear, whatever you feel, don't make any noise. " he seemed severely weird, but he somehow obliged. For now, he'll just occupy himself of the things he have to do tomorrow until.

"H-Hinata..! Good evening!" there was a pause, "W-.. What are you doing here? It's not like you to be uhh, intrusive... Or something.. " oh god, why does he sound like he's about to cry?

"Hm. You know you're like a victim at gunpoint today. Why? " the other sounded jolly and tricky, which maybe explained the ravine's shaky ones.


"Far from the question. Anyway, I smell something.. Different in here. You have a guest? " Kageyama froze on spot.

This foxy spirit had been his friend ever since, that even though he never really lived as anything alive than a spirit, he act normally and casually around him. The ravenette appreciate it, but he was too embarrassed right now, so he only have one retortion in mind, "Well, you're a ghost. You can't smell. " he saw the gingerhead grimaced at that, then pouting within seconds of silence.

"There's a difference between ghosts and spirits. Go to school kid. " he whined which made Kageyama sober up. "But seriously, I smell a different scent in here whose is it? " Hinata teased, knowing exactly what he is asking. He saw how the ravenette shifted from fair to beet red, and the sight was rather entertaining to watch like how he anticipated.

"He's here, isn't he? " he asked with glittering eyes of ginger. He's excited to make some magic for his human godchild, at least, once in the boy's life time. He wasted no time waiting for an audible response from the malfunctioning ravine, thus passing through anything and anywhere that the dumb lad could've potentially hidden his beloved from Hinata's eyes. The ginger felt his teasing heightened as the ravenette tried to follow and stop him to no avail, slipping fufus and hihis as he jump from floor to floor until--

"Gotcha! " The ginger grinned from ear to ear, appearing beside the hiding pudding. "Nice to meet you! I'm --"

"And I told you to stay away! " Kageyama protested. His face wasn't any lesser of beet than he was earlier, instead a darker shade of red crept as he grab the blanket near his heart as if it was something his life depended on except that his figure of admiration is now a witness of him turning himself into an embarrassing excuse of a man.

"You know, human, " said Hinata with eerie dark tone, "You'll make a good soup. Can I tear your limbs off?"

"Sure. Whatever. " said Kenma with monotone voice. This though, even without reaching Kageyama's understanding, made the raven started to cry, realizing that whatever that conversation means, it will bring Kenma bad outcomes. Dangerous, to boot. He wouldn't want that.

The two small men was taken aback by the adorable sight.

"Oh it's alright, no need to freak out, dear. I'm just playing! It's nothing serious! " Hinata exclaimed, trying to calm the ravenette infront of them but. This is one of those times Hinata came to dislike Kageyama's idiocy, and he ought to make him calm or else this guy will never want to live when he sober up, ascertain that he, indeed, had pulled his "admiration" into his house, rudely cover him up without explanations and.. Crying like a child infront of the reason he's gay. Not to be rude, but he's nursering this thing inside him that makes him gay, and that's because he fell in love at the dyed-colored man thirteen years ago- when they were 10 and dreaming about buying every land there is and play until the ends of time, or the end of their time. Pride swelled inside Kageyama, watching as the child has now become the man they dreamed of being.

But back to the present, our Kageyama wailed and cried, no difference between how he did in the past and in their current situation Kenma couldn't help but connect dots. Thirteen years ago he remembered being annoyed at this child who always makes him feel annoying feelings whenever he's crying, but that was also the times he felt more humane, more compassionate and shits like that. It was the time where his innocence was yet to be corrupted, and their dream is all they have. The ginger head, on the other hand, were then taken as their imaginary friend as he doesn't possess a physical body. He remembered admiring the discorporated boy and his jolly image, he remembered how much he cared about the two, as he saw both of them beyond friends..

They were like the family he never have. Pity Kenma didn't realize that he's more than a family to Kageyama, because if he did, can you imagine how amazing it'll be?

Two boys meeting on the play ground like everyone else, caring and playing with a spirit under the slides, acting like parents to stray animals that they see, growing up in different places, in different classes, but now had met through Fate, falling in love all over again.

But lads and lasses, this is your usual fairy tale, except that Kageyama have to work three times harder to make himself a place inside the pudding's heart, maybe in a place bigger than Hinata's, because God knows how the ginger loves Kageyama, even to the point of hiding behind the "Godfather-godson" scheme to stay beside him. But everything's fine, right? Because finally the night had loved the mortal, the way the same human had wished as he slit his own throat under a certain event. The Ekleipsis.

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