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Twenty | Osatsukage
By: Zackdesaii

//no definite plot
//supposed to be AtsuHina but here we are
//Alpha-omega verse (lowkey)
//the title might not have connections to the story---but it's my birthday! (yeah, that doesn't do the justice but oh well)

#osatsukage #kageyama #miyatwins #random



So, no one really wanted to ask about them, but Fate wanted to strike them next.

It was spring, and the first day of senior high school. It would've--and should've ---been called college, but for some reason the government added this program in such short notice. It was said to prepare students for college, well that's what they said.

As mentioned earlier, it was the first day of school, and the sky pulled a freshly royal blue paint to give color to the empty canvas above, along with some dashes of white clouds. Everyone wear black, at least, some have black in their clothes. It could be anything; their pants, jackets, bags, hairs, or any accessories because this is going to be a tradition for the school. This should've been a day to fix the broken, but the past still lingers in the back of Kageyama Tobio's head. He's still sleepy and tired from work last night, but he have to bear the day. All his life he'd been waiting for it---- the time where his body will collapse due to exhaustion, but it never happened, so that's one reason he'll use against himself whenever he's about to give up.

As they said it, giving up wasn't an option but a choice, and you can't blame anyone for your choices other than yourself.

Now, as the sea of students flow through the front gate towards the towering gym 1 (as they call it), Kageyama Tobio can't seem to get the end of the stick. He knows something's coming and he should be afraid, but he cannot figure what it is. He frowned, looking around as though the answer was there, and finally looking up at the sky, sighing frustratingly since he still can't find it.

Then it happened.

With just a strong gust of wind something from deep inside him kindled, spreading like wildfire--- his breathing accelerated and his heart beat faster like he's been running from something just now. He stood frozen, but he can feel the others stopping with him, throwing their heads towards him as they feel the heat surge from within him.

He can't believe it---I mean--- he did take his suppressant this morning, two of them, so it wouldn't happen right now. It should not happen, but here we are.

He released a shaky breathe, trying to formulate a plan to get out of the crowd, who's starting to emit their own pheromones. Some covered their noses, some attempted to run away but got pushed back by the thickening crowd, and some... Well, they just stood there. It's making Kageyama suffocated and nauseous, his head light and seemed to be spinning. Yes, his pheromones are so strong it actually covered a large part of the area.

The same thing happened once, but let Kageyama's feet drive him away first, away from the crowd or else he'll get in trouble.

The month was December, the date, 20. He's about to shift from 10, and the cue to his first heat. It was late, but omegas at this age were taken away by the government, because children are the easy preys for bigger people who don't have the talent to restrain themselves around strong pheromones.

Unless he go, or his family will.

The Kageyama family was known to be an all alpha family, that even Kageyama Miwa is an alpha. They were certain that Tobio will also be, but shit happened.

He turned out to be an omega at age of 10---almost eleven--- two days before his birthday. This undoubtedly sent the whole family in chaos, the alphas running around shouting anything that comes out of their mouths and covering their noses with their collars. They never expected this, no one did, even Tobio thought he's an alpha given his fair share of being a great athlete, and the superiority of being called 'king' in their school.

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