Tsukikage..... NOT

167 13 3

The One That Got Away
By: Zackdesaii

• Wherein Tsukishima Kei attended the wedding of his ex. Did he wanted them to know he's
there? He wasn't sure. He was unsure of many things and this one is just another digit added
to his longlist.

• I don't know what pushed me in this, but, I just wanted this to be a tsukikage one - shot.
• Status: COMPLETE

#Tsukikageau #zackdesaii #Tsukishimakei #Kageyamatobio #shortoneshot


Tsukishima Kei remembers this place. He remembers this seat. He remembers all the promises
he made upon the same starry sky to an equally stunning ravine.

And the promises he committed to the same guy that sits at the far back ofa church. They vowed with no rings, no suits, no witnesses for their shared love. And yet, they felt no difference between being them and being wedded like this. After all, they are two of the same kind whose love is taboo for the enclosed society, who didn't know what it's like to love beyond
the love given to one's own self. Who didn't know the difference between love by nature and love by law. But they knew, and that is all that matters.

They treat each other as home.

They treat each other as the only rest they'll need, and the only home they'll want to go to.

Except, just like a rose in full bloom, it withers away.

"What happened to us, Tobio?" He asked, pleaded. He wanted to know why such thing happened to them. It wasn't their anniversary, instead, they are having a normal lunch date just
a few blocks from Kei's workplace.

"We talked about this Kei. I want to call off the engagement."

"Tobio, are-are you hearing yourself? Call off the engagement? Why is- look I— Listen." he took a breathe he never knew he needed, and suddenly, there was a clog blocking the path.

"Tobio, we can fix this- this mess. Whatever this is!— Just, please tell me what happened!" Kei tripped
over the words, desperately trying to hold onto the last one or two strands of hope he has in hand. He couldn't stop the tears when it wells on his eyes, not when he's got a devastating storm inside him stirring everything inside towards destruction. His head feels heavy yet light, swirling and unfocused from too many emotions and questions violently tearing him for

Just 25 minutes ago he got a call from his lover offering lunch, something he always look forward to, and becomes his drive to finish his work for as fast as he could to have longer time for him and Tobio.

However, it was begrudgingly anything but a simple, lovely lunch. It was evident when he arrived to a particularly silent raven, no smiles to greet him or hugs to crush him. Instead the ghost of a ring dent lingers on Tobio's ring finger, only realizing what was wrong when he saw the ring on his side of the table.

Kei should've known that this wouldn't end well.

He lost appetite for the halfway eaten steak on his plate, scrunching up at it like a rotten fish that stinks around the premises. The iced tea somehow left a bitter taste on his tongue like a liver but it may be influenced by Tobio's news.

The stress came crashing on top of his unstable emotions that's trying to put down his wall of sanity yet who would he be if not a good monochrous human in light of hiding himself like a criminal?

"I-I don't know, Tsukishima.." the blond's breathe hitched. No, Tobio did not just call him Tsukishima. No, he refused to acknowledge it.

"I just... I'm sorry. " without another word, the ravenette fled outside leaving the ring Kei gave him.

Every entry for Kageyama Tobio Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora