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I let out a sarcastic laugh as I walk past Dylan to the kitchen. Who does he think he is spying on me like a little kid?

"You know, you've really hit an all time low spying on us," I say grabbing a water out of the fridge. As I turn around and Dylan is leaning against the island shaking his head.

"Do you know how stupid you are? Honestly Sam. And no I wasn't spying on you. I heard the front door open so I came down here and I heard your voices outside the door," he responds in a sharp hushed voice. I haven't seen him this upset in a while. What has gotten into him lately?

"I'm stupid? Okay, whatever Dylan. I'm not arguing with you. Whatever your deal is, you can keep it to yourself ," I say walking past him to the stairs.

"Fine. But when another douche bag hurts you. Don't you dare come running to me," he says and right away I feel my eyes sting but I push the tears back and I continue to walk up the stairs and to my room.

When I enter my room, the tears immediately start flooding out. At first I don't know why I'm crying but then I realize that it's pure anger. Those last words Dylan said really hurt me. How could he say something like that? I walk into my bathroom and throw cold water on my face. I lean against the counter and a deep breath. It's so hard not to care what Dylan thinks.

I want to disagree with him completely but what if he's right? What if Ansel's just going to hurt me? My mind is literally spinning. It's probably best to go to bed. I brush my teeth and climb into bed. I honestly hope I don't see Dylan at all tomorrow. After running through the whole night again in my head, I finally drift off to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of my phone going off from either a text or notification. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and grab my phone. It's a text from my mom telling me that pancakes are done. Pancakes have kind of become a routine every Saturday morning which I love.

I get up and go into my bathroom to brush my teeth. I put my hair into a ponytail and walk downstairs in my pajamas. When I walk into the kitchen there is juice and a pile of pancakes in the middle of the island.

"You look really tired," my mom says looking up at me as I sit down at the island. I probably look terrible because I was crying last night.

I shrug and grab a plate and put 3 pancakes on it. "I was up kind of late watching a movie," I respond. I obviously can't tell her the truth about last night because then she would know that Ansel was here. I don't like lying to her but I'd rather her not be angry with me. I eat silently while scrolling through Twitter.

Dylan doesn't come into the kitchen at all. He probably got his breakfast before me on purpose. I don't like when we fight but that's what siblings do and hopefully we are back to normal soon.

I finish my food and put the plate in the sink. When I get back to my room I go to my closet right away. I just stare at all my clothes for a second. What do you even wear to a party? I thought high school parties only happened in movies. But what would I know?

I grab my phone and text Ashley asking if she wants to go to the mall with me. I don't see anything that I want to wear to the party so may as well go buy something. After she texts back I get ready and walk downstairs and out to my car.

It takes about 10 minutes to get to her house and when I arrive I park and wait for her. While I wait I flip through the radio stations. They play the same songs over and over again. I should really get an aux cord.

"Hey Sam," Ashley says opening the door and sitting down.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yup. Why are we going to the mall anyways? Not that I don't love the mall but it's just kind of random."

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