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*Later at 6:00*

What does wear something hot even mean? Like a slutty, going to the club hot? Or like a fancy dinner hot? I was kind of hoping we actually did stay in.

I try to ask Rachel and Ashley how I should dress so I don't dress the wrong way but both of them just respond with how much time I have left. I try to find something that would work for both.

After 20 minutes I find a skinny black dress that I wore to a funeral last year and put it on. I look in the mirror and it fits perfectly. It's a black dress that kind of just works for anything. I slip on some short red heels and pull my hair back into a half-up half-down style. As I finish my makeup I hear my phone go off. I look and see it's a text from Rachel.

"We're outside!! Hurry!" The text reads. I laugh a little at her urgency. I feel excited, wondering what we are going to do.

I grab my purse and quietly walk downstairs and out the front door. I don't want to have to explain why I am dressed so fancy because I won't even be able to explain it. I open the front door and walk down to Rachel's car and sit in the back seat. After buckled, I look up to see both Rachel and Ashley turned around and smiling at me.

"You look hot!" Ashley says, smiling wide. They both look at each other and smile. I immediately notice they are dressed in jeans and t-shirts.

"Thanks guys, but um, why aren't either of you dressed up? I feel out of place now." I say, feeling a little embarrassed. Instead of answering me, they both just smile and turn back towards the front as Rachel begins to drive.

"No seriously guys. Where are we going?" I ask, leaning forward between the two front seats.

"You'll see!" Rachel yells from the front as she turns up the music.

Thoughts begin running through my head as I try to figure out where we might be going. I have a feeling I know where I am going, or actually to whom, but I try to imagine it is other places first. I desperately want to see Ansel. I'm not denying that. I want to tell him I'm sorry for acting so strange, for shutting him out. I want to be wrapped in his arms again.

But as we keep driving further into the city, I realize they probably aren't taking me to him since we had long passed his house. I think of texting him but I figure it can wait. I should just enjoy whatever tonight brings me right?

After about 10 more minutes, we stop in front of a Chinese restaurant I had never seen before. I peer up at the building from my window. It was a fairly tall building in the city, it looks like a rundown restaurant with apartments or something on top. I turn to the girls confused.

"Um, are you sure this is where you're bringing me? I've never been here. It looks like I might get mugged if I walk outside." I say staring at them questionably. Ashley looks out the window at the address and checks her phone and then turns around to face me.

"Yup! This is it! Lets go in!" She says smiling and then getting out the car. I stay for a couple seconds as Rachel also gets out. Why would they bring me here? Ashley doesn't even like Chinese food?

Rachel knocks on the window and motions for me to get out. I unbuckle and step out into the warm air. I look up at the building again and up and down the street. I clutch my purse closer to me as we walk in.

As soon as we walk in I am hit with a very strong odor. Instead of Chinese, it smells more like seafood and mold. I give Rachel and Ashley a strange look and they just smile at me.

A short Chinese man with glasses comes up to us and begins to gather menus. I look around at the rundown place, wondering why in the hell we are here. All of a sudden a familiar boy runs up to the short man and speaks to him in a fast and unknown language. The man looks at us and set the menus back down and walks away. After a couple of seconds I recognize that he is a boy from school. I think his name is James.

"Hey guys. I have your table that you reserved. Follow me." He says turning towards the rest of the restaurant. I mouth what the hell? To Rachel and Ashley but all they do is smile at me. We follow him to the back of the restaurant, but we never stopped at table. I get more and more confused as more tables pass. Eventually we reach a door at the back.

"Hold up. Where are we going? Are you trying to kidnap us or something? We just passed all the tables!" I say, raising my voice. I mean, where in the hell is he taking us? And why are Rachel and Ashley not confused in the least?

"Really? I go to school with you. Why would I kidnap you? Especially all three of you." He says laughing and shaking his head. He pushes open the door that leads to a set of stairs. He looks back at us to make sure we are following and then he begins to climb the stairs. I look back at both of them but they just push me to go forward. My guess is that they're in on whatever it is.

After about three minutes we reach another door at the top. I breathe deeply, wondering why in the hell there isn't an elevator. Rachel and Ashley stay back a little bit. James smiles at me and pushes open the second door.

A rush of warm air and bright lights surprises me. My heart is beating so fast, I am taken so off guard. It is the roof of the building, set up with beautiful lights and a dinner table, with soft music playing. As I step out onto the roof Ansel comes out, stepping in front of me with a bottle of champagne. He smiles at me, his eyes tracing my body.

"You look stunning Sam."

Hey guys! I haven't updated this story in like a year. I really haven't been on wattpad but I recently started a different fan fiction and realized I wanted to continue this one. Please comment! Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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