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As I go to Cameron's page I click on the first picture which is a picture of him and Carley which is captioned, "Me and my best friend on our first day of junior year ❤." I take a deep breath and close out of Instagram. I shouldn't torture myself by looking through his photos. I look up at my ceiling for a couple of minutes thinking. Then I hear keys and the front door opening.

My mom walks in with Marissa and sets Panera on the counter. I close my laptop and walk over to the kitchen and take everything out of the bag. I'm starving.

"I got you chicken noodle soup with white bread and grilled cheese," my mom says smiling. My mom's the best. She does everything she can for me and my siblings and is always supporting us. People say she looks like me except she has short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Thanks mom you're the best," I say sitting down at the island in the middle of our kitchen. My sister sits next to me with her Mac n' cheese.

"How was your first day as a 3rd grader?" I ask her.

"It was awesome! My teacher is so nice and all my friends are in my class! Way better than 2nd grade!" she yells excitedly. She is always super loud and hyper but that's one of things I love best about her besides the fact she is really sporty. I can't wait to go to her volleyball and basketball games when she's older. She still acts like a total girl though. I already know that she'll be popular with the boys when she's older because even though she's 8 she has the looks with her green eyes and shoulder lengthed brown hair.

"Haha that's awesome. Are any of those cute boys in your class?" I say nudging her.

"Yuck! No! I'm finishing this in my room!" she yells running to her room. I love messing with her. My mom laughs and dries her hands from washing the dishes and turns to me.

"Sooo how was your first day?" she asks me.

"It was fine. Boring but fine. Ashley is trying to get me to join the drama club and be apart of the upcoming play but I don't know." I shrug while taking a bite of my grilled cheese.

Her eyes light up and she says, "Yes! That would be amazing sweetheart! We could all come watch you!"

"Mom...you're making me want to join less." I say as she turns back to the dishes.

"You know, when you're older you're going to regret not doing it."

I stare at my soup for a minute. She is right but I'm not sure. I feel like I'd make her even more proud though. As I think I hear my phone ringing in the living room. I get up putting my bowl in the sink and run to the living room. I pick up my phone and it's a FaceTime request from Rachel. I accept it and as it connects I grab my laptop and the rest of my food and go to my room.

"OMG guess what?!" she yells smiling ear to ear. I sit down on my bed and take a bite of my bread.

"What?" I laugh.

"You know that hot senior Kevin? Super hot? Football player? HOT?!"

"Yes I'm aware of who he is," I laugh shaking my head.

"Well he did this thing on twitter where you send in a number and he tweets what he thinks about you. And guess what?! He called me...CUTE!!AHHH!!" she screams.

I put my hand up to my forehead dramatically and say, "You're such a lucky girl." As I laugh I see her dad open her door behind her. I already know it's going to be bad because her parents are pretty strict.

"Get off the phone. I don't need screaming when your brother is trying to sleep." he says and then shuts the door. She rolls her eyes and we both laugh.

"It's literally 6:00. Why is he asleep?" I ask.

"I don't know. He's 3 so he just passes out whenever. Oh well. I'll just fangirl by myself. Maybe ill dress cute tomorrow for Kevin. Curly or straight?" she asks smiling.

"Curly," I say.

"Thanks bae. I'll see you tomorrow. It's going to take me a while to pick out an outfit."

"Alright byeee," I laugh and hang up. I love her but I swear all that's in her head is boys.

Since it's only 6:00 I decide to turn on one of my favorite movies, The Giver. It's such a good movie. I love everything about it. But as I'm half way through I hear Dylan come home and I pause the movie. I walk downstairs and knock on his door.

"Come in!" he yells. I walk in and he looks up from his laptop. I sit on his bed and he turns in his chair to face me. As I look at him I realize how much of a hair cut he is in need of. He has brown hair cut short on the sides and longer in the front. But it's pretty long for him.

"You need to get your hair cut," I laugh. He touches his hair and shrugs.

"Eh the chicks dig it."

"If they did you'd have a girlfriend by now," I laugh.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. So how was your first day?" he asks me.

"It was alright. How was yours?" I ask looking at the posters on his door. He likes a lot of weird bands. I kind of wish he played sports so I could watch his games.

"Boring but what's new?" he turns back to his laptop and is looking at some website. He doesn't say anything for a minute. I realize he's looking into dates for when his favorite bands play.

"I know why you're down here," he says without looking at me.

"What do you mean? I haven't seen you since last Thursday. I didn't know I couldn't just come down here." I say and he turns back around in his chair and points at me.

"No, no you came down here because you want to know if I saw Cameron today. And the answer is yes. But who gives a shit Sam?" he says staring at me. I stare at him coldy. What the hell? Where did that come from?

"What are you talking about? Do you honestly think that he is the only thing I think about?" I ask sharply.

"Clearly it is. You make it so obvious." He says spinning in his chair. He's never like this. Never serious. I had no idea where this was coming from. I get up and walk towards the door.

"I don't know where you're getting this from or why you're being like this but I'm leaving." I say walking out and closing the door. As I walk back to my room I can't help but be completely confused. Dylan hasn't said a word about Cameron for like 3 weeks. Why now?

As I walk in my room I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face. After I finish I turn to my side and look in the mirror. I stare at my hair. It goes down past the middle of my back but I can't help but want it to be longer. I look at my butt slightly and shake my head. I need to do squats. I turn off the light to the bathroom and climb into my bed. I decide to just go to bed early. After I turn off the light and set my alarm I fall asleep.

I pass out for 3 hours and then I hear my phone go off. I groan and rub my eyes. I forgot how loud my phone is when I set my alarm. I sit up and unlock my phone, going blind for a second from how bright the screen is. I go into the twitter app to see the notification. I'm going to be so pissed if it's something stupid.

I go into my notifications and the first one reads, "@AElgort34 followed you 30 seconds ago."

Well...it wasn't stupid.

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