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I take his hand and shake it staring into his gorgeous eyes.

"My name is Sam. Sam Miller."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you," he responds half smiling.

He finishes gathering his stuff and shuts his locker, "Sooo about that chem room?"


"Shit that's the bell."

I didn't want to be late because I'm never late to my classes but what's the rush? It's the first day of junior year!

"Aw man. Well it's fine I'll find the chem room. It shouldn't be hard, it's a small school," he chuckles.

"Uh no, no. I can show you. They can't yell at me. I mean come on it's the first day and I'm just helping a new student out," I say smiling at him.

"Okay but if you get in trouble it's not my fault."

"Trust me, I won't. So you're a junior right? Where you from?" I ask as we begin to walk.

"Yeah, and I'm from New York."

"Wow that's awesome. I've never been there. But why move to L.A.?"

He looks down at his shoes as we walk,"Ya know, just some family stuff."

"Oh well I hope you like it here. It's pretty nice. I mean once you get passed all the stuck up people," I laugh.

"I haven't met anyone stuck up yet," he laughs.

"Well just you wait and see. Trust me all these hormonal girls in this school will be climbing all over you. Anywaaays, this is the chem room."

He looks into the room slightly and then turns back to me.

"Alright well thanks..Sam. I'll see you around," he half smiles and walks in and I begin my way to the English wing.

As I walk in to honors English everyone looks at me and I walk to the back and sit next to Ashley, one of my other really good friends. I feel mrs. Williams eyes on me but avoid looking at her.

"Well thank you for finally joining us Samantha. Where were you?" she asks glaring at me.

"Mrs. Williams you know I'm never late and you do realize it's the first day of school right? I was helping a new student find their classroom." I was suddenly not in the mood for teacher's shit.

"Damn Sam," Ashley whispers to me.

"Samantha I will be happy to see you after school," she responds smiling.

"Greaaat," I mutter under my breath.

New Boy (Ansel Elgort)Where stories live. Discover now