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*later that night*

I lean against the railing on the house's back porch and just stare at everything. I watch the dark water move ever so slightly, the moon and other house lights reflecting off of it. I also listen to the crickets and the birds chirp.

I feel Ansel's arms wrap gently around my waist and he rests his chin on my shoulder. I smile and intertwine my fingers with his.

"Do we have to leave?" I ask.

"There's no place I'd rather be but we can't," he says and I turn around to face him. I smile and move the hair on his forehead away from his face. He smiles and kisses my forehead. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes.

"I feel so safe with you Ansel. And that's the scariest part about all of this," I say gently grabbing the hem of his shirt in my hand.

"What makes you say that?" He asks and I hear the concern in his voice.

"It scares me knowing that what happened with Cameron could happen with you. I mean, look at what's already happened," I say looking up at him. He doesn't say anything right away, he just looks out at the water.

"I wish I could promise you that nothing bad will ever happen," he finally says and I let out a deep breath.

"You-you should get more ice on your shoulder. I'll be right back," I say stepping around him and walking back into the house and into the kitchen. As I grab the bag of frozen peas a tear forms and falls. I wipe it away.

I don't know why I have to think about this and ruin the good place we are in but I'm truly scared deep down. I didn't think I would end up in a place like this again so soon after Cameron. It all is just moving so quickly.

I take another deep breath and walk back out to Ansel who is leaning forward against the railing.

"Here," I say holding out the peas. He smiles a little and takes the bag and then his smile fades.

"Sam what's-" he begins but then I cut him off.

"I'm-I'm really tired Ansel. I'm gonna go to bed. There's 2 other bedrooms and a couch for you," I say and then walk back inside. I walk to the bedroom I'm staying in and close the door. I fall backwards onto the bed and just close my eyes and without even realizing it I fall asleep.


I slowly open my eyes and groan. I sit up and realize that I slept the way I fell asleep the whole night. I wipe my eyes and look at the clock which reads 9:00.
I stand up and stretch. Oh crap, Ansel.

I totally forgot that I just left him last night. I open the door and walk out into the living room and I don't see him. I don't see him out on the porch either. I walk into the kitchen and pick up a note on the table. It says,

"Hey, sorry I had to leave early but something came up. I'll see you when you come back."

I'm so stupid. I let my overthinking get in the way last night and he probably thought I didn't want him here. I should really think before I say or do dumb things.

I throw the note out and walk back to the bedroom. I guess it's time that I go home. I pack up the clothes I brought, I make the bed, clean the kitchen, and vacuum a little. It takes me only about an hour and once I'm done it looks like nobody was even here.

I lock the back door and then grab my stuff and go out the front door. I lock it and put the spare key back. I put my bag in the backseat of the car and then get in the front seat. Right before I start my drive home I think about calling Ansel. I mean he should be upset with me right? Maybe I'll just give him more time.

New Boy (Ansel Elgort)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora