Sing For Me

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*Beep Beep*

My alarm goes off and I shove my face in my pillow for a couple of seconds before turning it off. If school started at 9, I wouldn't hate it so much. After turning it off I decide to just lay in bed for a couple of minutes instead of getting up because of how comfortable I am.

After a couple of minutes I get up, I stretch and then walk into my bathroom. I wash my face, brush my teeth, apply the usual make up and put my hair into a sock bun, which are pretty hard to do because of how long my hair is. I then walk to my dresser and pull out leggings and a cardigan. I figure that I shouldn't look like a bum quite yet. After I'm finished I put on black ankle heel boots, grab my bag and walk downstairs.

As I walk into the kitchen my mom is making my sister's lunch. She looks up at me, smiles, and says, "You look nice today. That cardigan is really cute. Eat some toast. I made it for marissa but she's having a fit."

I look at my cardigan and then sit at the island, "Thanks I got it at the mall last weekend. And what is her deal today? I didn't think she would already be throwing fits in the morning until at least the 2nd week of school." I take some toast and pour a glass of orange juice as she shrugs.

"She can't find her cat shirt or something so she's upset. I told her to look downstairs but she told me no."

"Of course," I say while taking a sip of my orange juice. My sister is the devil in the morning I swear. After I finish I put my plate and glass in the sink and walk outside to my car. It's pretty nice out today. Sunny and 75 degrees. Perfect weather. I drive to school, park, and then walk inside. It already feels like we've been here a month. As I walk to my locker I walk past both Rachel and Ashley's locker and see that neither of them are here yet.

As I open my locker and grab my morning supplies Mariah and Ansel walk up and then Mariah leaves. Ansel grabs one notebook and shuts his locker.

He half turns to me and smiles, "You look nice today." He winks, chuckles and then walks away. I could feel myself blushing. I close my locker and see that Rachel is here so I go to her locker.

She looks up at me and says,"Why are your cheeks so red?"

I touch my cheek slightly and shrug, "I don't know. It's a little hot in here."

"Yeah okay," she laughs and leans against her locker. As we talk Kevin walks past us and he half looks at Rachel and smiles. She plays it cool until he is completely gone.

"Oh.My.Gosh. Did you see that?!"

"How could I not?"

*Ding Ding Ding Ding*

"I'll see you at lunch. Don't start stalking him," I laugh and walk into my English class and sit next to Ashley.

"Sooooo are you gonna do it? The play?" she asks, her eyes wide. I think for a moment and shrug.

"Eh..I don't know. Maybe ill be part of the stage crew or something," I say and she just stares at me and shakes her head.

"You're being so ridiculous. Anybody would kill for the kind of talent you have," she says and then Mrs. Williams begins talking. I can't help but feel like she's actually mad at me. She shouldn't be but I could see why she would be. I'm just not comfortable with singing in front of people. For the rest of English we just take notes and as soon as class is over I walk to the library for study hall.

I go to a table in the back that is right next to the window. I could sit by some of my other friends but I just choose not to. It's a lot better just sitting by myself. But what sucks about study halls are that they are always boring at the beginning of the year because nobody has homework yet. Since I have nothing to do I just sit down, put my headphones in, and stare out the window.

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