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I was so relieved when lunch finally came. The day was going by so slow and I just needed to stuff some pizza down my throat and talk about everything relating to my first day with Rachel and Ashley.

"That pizza is shit," Rachel says as me and Ashley sit down at our regular lunch table.

"It's better than that green shit they call a salad here," I laugh and Rachel rolls her eyes.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes eating and looking around at everyone in our lunch.

"These freshmen down here are making me lose my appetite. Sure it's the first day of school and it's hot as hell but I don't need to see your ass cheeks," Rachel says looking at a group of girls.

"Hey be nice. We were all freshmen just 2 years ago. We might not have dressed like that but still," Ashley says smiling.

"Yuck. Soooo Sam. I saw you talking to that new guy Ansel. Let me say, complete babe," Rachel says with her mouth full.

"Yeah, he's nice.."

"Nice? What's up with you?" Rachel asks.

"Rachel, have you completely forgotten about summer? Cameron? She's obviously not over him. And I think she made it clear that she's focusing on school this year," Ashley says sternly.

I all of a sudden feel sick. I didn't want to think about Cameron at all today but that's impossible with friends like Rachel and Ashley. Sure Ansel is cute and all but just because someone is cute doesn't mean anything will come out of it.

"Can we talk about something else? Please?" I say looking away. I'm usually not the emotional type but it's the first day of school so I don't want to be mad or sad.

As Rachel rapidly talks about anything and everything, out of the corner of my eye I see Ansel enter the cafeteria. I see he's being shown around by Mariah Taylor. Mariah is a super pretty and nice senior who is varsity volleyball captain. She's the definition of perfect. And as I am looking at them, Ansel catches my eye and I quickly look away.

"When does the bell ring?" I ask interrupting Rachel.

*Ding, ding, ding, ding*

"I'll see you guys later," I say getting up quickly and dumping tray. I did not want Ansel to come up to me because that was embarrassing.

I stop at my locker to get my pre calc supplies when Ansel walks up to open his locker. As I'm closing my locker Ansel laughs quietly.

"You know I saw you right? Looking at me. It was really obvious."

"I was looking past you," I say walking away. Ansel catches up with me and walks beside me.

"Oh come on I'm not that dumb. We totally made eye contact," he says smiling. I ignore him and walk into pre calc and he follows me.

"Could you maybe not follow me by chance?"

He laughs, "This is my class."

I fake him a smile and sit in the front while he sits in the back. He definitely comes off nice at first but he does have quite the sarcastic side to him.

The rest of the day goes by slowly because all we talk about in our classes are "goals" for the school year and all that boring stuff. By the end of the day I'm just ready to go home. As I walk up to my locker Mariah and Ansel are there.

"Well if you ever have any questions or just want to hang out, text me or something," Mariah says handing Ansel back his phone.

I hear Ansel say, "will do" as I begin to walk away.

"Hey! Sam! Just so you know volleyball practices don't start till next week," Mariah yells to me.

"I know," I say smiling and then turning and rolling my eyes. Before I leave the building I remember that I have to go to Mrs. Williams room. I walk in there and she looks up at me.

"I called you in here not only because you were late this morning but because of the way you were speaking to me. That is no way to talk to your teacher. I was kind of shocked because you were never late to my class last year and never talked back." Before I could say anything Ansel walks in. He must have been outside the room.

"Mrs. Williams she was just helping a new student out. And what do you expect? It's the first day of school so students aren't going to be cheery. So how about we all just forget about this," he says in a calm voice. Why did he come in here? She stares at us for a second and then looks down at her papers.

"Next time it's detention," she says not looking up.

"Thank you, have a nice day mrs. Williams," Ansel responds cheerfully. We walk out of the room and I stop.

"I didn't need you to do that. I could have spoken to her myself," I say. He half smiles and begins to walk towards the front doors.

"Could you really have gotten out of it?" he says and then walks out. I roll my eyes and go the fountain to get a drink and then I see Ashley signing sheets on the wall.

"Hey Ash, are those clubs or something?" I ask.

"Yeah, you know me, joining art club. I was thinking about drama club. I can't sing but maybe ill get a small acting part in the upcoming play."

"That's great! Or maybe you could paint props or something for the play," I suggest.

"That's a good idea! Hey, why don't you join drama club?" she asks as we begin to walk outside to our cars.

"Ha! Are you kidding? All those people looking at me? I'd probably puke all over the front row. I also have volleyball. I'm okay with watching." I respond as we stop at my car.

"They could really use your voice Sam. Come on. It's all about stepping out of your comfort zone. And the play isn't till spring so the practices don't start till after volleyball. You just have to audition one day after school." she says as I walk to the driver's side of my car.

"You knooow, Ansel has signed up for the lead role of the play," she says with a smirk on her face.

I stop for a second before getting in,"I'll think about it. But don't get your hopes up." I get in my car as Ashley jumps up and down and sit for a second. Ansel? He's into acting? I did not see that coming. I wait for Ashley to leave in her car and I then pull out of the school parking lot.

Once I get home I immediately go to the fridge to get something to eat. I grab an apple and find a note on the counter that reads,"Sam, I got out of work earlier to pick up Marissa from school. Be back later."

Before I totally declare if I have the house to myself, I knock on my half brother, Dylan's door to see if he's here or at his dad's house.

I knock and yell his name because he's usually listening to music when he's here. He doesn't answer which doesn't surprise me because he's always at a friends house. He goes to a school closer to his dad's house so I don't see him much but we have become really close the past year because of everything with Cameron, who was one of his good friends.

I go upstairs to my room and put my bag down. After I change into sweats my phone buzzes and I look and see that it's a notification telling me that several people i follow have started following someone on twitter. I hate those notifications because they have nothing to do with me. Before I check I go back downstairs to my living room with my laptop and turn on a movie.

As I'm turning on my laptop I check my twitter and the notification reads, " @Rachelxoxo, @ArtsyAsh, @MariahTay, and several others have started following @AElgort94." I could only assume that was Ansel.

I decide to check out his twitter quickly. Just from slightly looking over his page I could see that tons of people from my school already follow him and that he's a huge Knicks fan. I hover over the follow button but then I decide to just go back to my timeline.

After I check Twitter I always check snapchat, Facebook, and then Instagram. All were filled with posts/pictures stating how much they hated how summer was over. I couldn't have agreed more. As I was on Instagram I decided to check Cameron's page. I should have blocked him on everything but I simply couldn't..

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