Lake House

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I immediately push Cameron away from me. I can't believe I even thought for a minute that he had changed.

"Cameron what the hell?!" I say wiping my mouth.

"I thought that's what you wanted?" He asks raising up his hands slightly.

"What made you think I wanted you to kiss me?! Because we laughed in the car? Because I was being nice to you? I'm sure you planned to do that well before we even got to my house," I respond sharply.


"What the hell is going on out here?" Dylan asks as he opens the front door. I can tell he was asleep by his messy hair and sluggish voice.

"Dylan go back-"

"Cameron? What the hell is he doing here Sam?" Dylan asks glaring between us. I could either save Cameron's ass in this situation or let Dylan handle him.

"He followed me home and then he kissed me. I don't know what's wrong with him," I say looking at the ground. I can't believe I just did that. It only takes 2 seconds before Dylan is out of the doorway and standing directly in front of Cameron.

"Clearly I didn't make myself clear when I saw you last," Dylan says stepping closer to Cameron.

"Dylan stop," I say pulling back his arm. He immediately yanks his arm away.

"She's lying I swear," Cameron says taking a step back.

"Dylan he's right I lied. Just let him go," I say. I shouldn't have lied in the first place. Having Dylan beat Cameron up wouldn't solve anything.

"Don't ever come near my sister again. Got it?" Dylan asks pushing Cameron's chest with his finger.

"Whatever," Cameron says hitting Dylan's finger away and walking back to his car. I turn to go after Cameron but Dylan grabs my arm and pulls me inside and shuts the door.

"Were you asking for a fight to happen out there? Why would you lie?" Dylan asks in a hushed but sharp tone.

"I-I don't know. I was just upset that he kissed me," I say looking off to the side.

"Are you 12 Sam?! Grow up alright? Cuz I'm not gonna be there every time you have a bad encounter with one of your boy toys. And maybe it was your own damn fault he did that. You shouldn't have gotten in the car. You should have called me," he says shaking his head.

"Did you ever think that maybe I didn't want to call you because you judge me for every single mistake that I make? You went from being brother of the year in summer into someone i don't even know anymore," I reply my eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"I almost beat the shit out of that idiot for you but I'm a bad brother? You've probably become one of the most selfish and biggest liars that I've come to know," he says staring me straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry you feel that way," I say pushing past him with tears running down my cheeks. I run up to my room and lock the door. I lean against the door heaving and I slowly slide down until I am sitting on the floor. I have to leave. I can't stay here and live in the same house where my brother hates me and I can't go to school and see my friends and Ansel who also hate me. I need to go anywhere but here.

I stand up and grab my duffel bag from the closet. I pack several sets of clothes and the necessities from my bathroom. I pack my laptop and my wallet. I don't know where I'm gonna go but ill figure it out. I tie the bag's straps to a scarf and I lower it to the ground from my balcony. Then I climb over the ledge and jump to the ground. I land on my back and the pain shoots up my spine. I lay there for a few seconds and then I slowly get up. I walk over to my car and get in.

After I pull out of the drive way I begin to debate where I should go. I could go talk to Rachel and try to fix our friendship but she probably doesn't want to see me at 4 in the morning. I could also go to Ansel's but he probably doesn't want to see me either. I could just stay here. It's better to work out my problems rather than run away from them. After about 10 minutes of aimlessly driving I finally decide. About an hour north from here is Ashley's parents lake cottage. I've been there several times in the past summers and I know where the spare key is.

I begin my hour drive to the cottage and by the time I get there it's about 5 in the morning. When I get there I turn my phone off. When I get out of the car I can't help but smile. This is the perfect place to be. It's so peaceful. Just what I need. I walk up to the front porch and pray that the key is still there. I lift up the sign next to the door with Ashley's last name on it and find the key in a pouch on the back of the sign. I smile and take the key out. I open the front door and I can't help but feel extremely relieved.


I can't believe I've already been up here 3 days. I haven't had any human contact for 3 days but I think it's been good for me. I've kept my phone off also. I didn't want my mom to track me or something. But I can't help but wonder why an amber alert hasn't gone out or something. Part of me wonders if anyone is even looking for me.

I get out of bed which is actually Ashley's bed when she stays here, and I walk into the bathroom. I wonder how upset Ashley and her family are going to be when they find out that I've been staying here. I mean it's not like I'm totally trespassing. I'm a friend who just happens to know where the spare key is. After I brush my teeth, shower, and change into new clothes I walk into the kitchen.

There is surprisingly a lot of food here for Ashley's family only coming up here mostly in summer. There's barely anything in the fridge though. I start off the morning by brewing some coffee. While I wait I open up my laptop to go on Twitter. This is mostly what I've been doing since Twitter doesn't say when you're online. As I'm scrolling down I see a tweet from 3 hours ago from Rachel to Ansel telling him to dm her back. I immediately shut my laptop.

Ashley and Rachel have tried Messaging me through twitter but Ansel hasn't. I think I messed things up really badly with him. I should've tried again to tell him that nothing happened with me and Cameron but instead I just left.

After the coffee is done I grab a cup and I go out to the deck that overlooks the lake. I sit down at the small table and look at the other houses surrounding the lake. This is what I want. It's so peaceful here and beautiful. A lot better than home. Ashley and I have had so many great memories here. From late night swimming to jumping on one of the other family's water trampoline. I would do anything to go back.

After about 20 minutes I hear a car pull into the drive way and a car door shut. I immediately get up and run back inside. I don't have enough time to see who it is so I just run into Ashley's parents room. I open their closet right away and I step inside and close it. I'm pretty sure I forgot to lock the door last night. I then hear the front door open and then shut. My heart is beating so fast and I don't even know why I'm so scared. It could just be one of Ashley's parents.

I hear footsteps outside of the room and my hands run along the wall for anything to grab. My right hand finds a baseball bat which doesn't surprise me considering how protective Ashley's dad is. I open the closet door slightly and wait for the person to come in the room.

I hold my breath and wrap my hands around the bat. It may be someone I know but it's better to be safe than sorry. Right when I see someone's leg come through the door I come out and swing as hard as I can towards the person.


"Ansel?!" I ask dropping the bat.


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. My next chapter will actually be the last chapter as I plan on starting a new story. Please comment your thoughts! 💕

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