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Before he can answer I hear my door swing open and I push him back away from the door.

"Sam?! Sam?! Where are you?!" My mom yells from my room. I run into my room and right away she leans against the wall with her hand on her heart breathing heavily.

"Sam what the hell?! I thought something happened! Why did you scream?" she asks looking at me with huge eyes. I didn't realize how loud I must have screamed. I can see how scared and worried she is just by the look in her eyes.

"Mom I'm fine. Really. I went out on the balcony and um, I-I saw a mouse run across and it really scared me," I say looking at the ground. Really? A mouse? That's the best I could come up with? She just shakes her head and stands up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I say before she leaves.

"It's fine. I don't know why a mouse was on your balcony but you better close that door," she says pointing to the door.

"Yeah I will. Well goodnight mom, I love you," I say smiling as she walks out into the hallway. She turns back and stares at me suspiciously and glances at the balcony door and raises an eyebrow.

" you too," she says and then I hear her walking down the stairs. I close my bedroom door and take a deep breath and then I walk out onto my balcony where Ansel is leaning over the edge staring at the ground. That was too close.

"Really Ansel? What if my mom would have walked out here? I scared her half to death," I say staring at him. He turns to me and smiles.

"I'm sorry but I had to come. And really? A mouse?" he asks laughing.

"It was the best I could come up with. But really why did you come? I literally ran out on the audition and threw up. Why would you want to see me?" I ask putting my elbows on the railing and putting my face in my hands. I feel him walk over next to me and I look back up at him.

"I came because when you walked away from me after the audition, I realized that I didn't want you to leave. And I realized the whole point of doing this play was so that I could do it with you," he says looking down at his shoes. I take his hand so that he meets my eyes.

"Ansel I know that's not true. You wanted to do the play before you really met me," I respond looking up at him.

"Yeah but spending those couple of days after school together made me realize how much I really liked being around you," he responds and I can't help but look away from him. I never thought I'd be in this position so soon again and I'm honestly terrified.

"Don't you think we're rushing into this? I mean I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you're here! How did you even get up here? How did you find my house?" I ask, really confused about the whole thing.

"Let's just say it took me a while and I had some help from your friends," he says laughing quietly. I can't help but smile and shake my head.

"Did you at least finish the audition?"

"No..I told him that something came up and I couldn't do it anymore. That's when I found Ashley and Rachel and they helped me with this," he says smiling a little. I shake my head. I can't believe he gave up the audition. We don't say anything for a couple of seconds.

"Look Sam, I'm not saying we need to date or anything because clearly you don't want that right now but there's something about you and I can't just let that go," he says suddenly, .grabbing my other hand. My thoughts are literally swirling trying to wrap my head around all of this. This is all so..crazy!

"You're making this tough Ansel. Lets just go to this party tomorrow together and see what happens from there," I say. I almost forgot about that party.

Ansel drops my hands and puts his in his pockets and he just nods his head. I can tell he's a little upset but what am I suppose to do? I mean I do like him but I can't handle a relationship right now.

" am I gonna get off this balcony?" he chuckles looking over the edge to see how far down it is.

"I don't know how you got up here but I'm guessing it wasn't easy. Everyone should be in their rooms by now so I can sneak you downstairs to the front door," I say laughing a little bit. He nods and I walk towards the door leading back into my bedroom. When I reach my door leading out into the hallway I turn back towards him.

"Wait here. I'm gonna double check that no one is in the kitchen or living room," I say and I open the door quietly and tiptoe down the hallway and at the bottom of the stairs I look both in the kitchen and the living room and all I see is black. Good. I really don't want to take any chances with keeping him here longer. I walk back up and into my room and when I walk in Ansel is looking at pictures on my wall.

"Um, nobody's downstairs so.." I say leaning against my door. He looks up and then walks over to me.

"Sorry, the pictures just caught my eye," he says shoving his hands into his pockets.

"It's fine. I love those pictures. Anybody that truly means something to me that I have pictures with goes up on that wall," I say smiling. He just smiles and nods his head.

"Okay. Just try to be super quiet okay? I'm more scared of my step brother coming out of his room then my mom," I laugh and then open back up my door. We walk down the hallway and stairs very quietly. When we get to the bottom of the stairs we walk past the kitchen to the front door. I open it slowly and we step outside.

"That was way easier then what I went through to get on your balcony," he laughs and I laugh too.

"You know, that was very cliche of you to show up on my balcony."

"Sorry, should I have just texted you? What has this world come to?" he says sarcastically and I laugh and lightly push him. I'm glad that it's not awkward.

"I'm actually glad you came. I probably would've avoided you forever after today," I say looking down at my shoes.

"We'll then I'm definitely glad I came. But I should probably go now," he says looking down the driveway at his car.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I say smiling slightly and he nods and starts walking towards his car. But before he reaches his car I do something really stupid.

"Ansel! Wait!" I yell but only loud enough for him to hear. Before he gets into the drivers side he stops and looks up at me. I run down to his side of the car and I stand right in front of him. I wrap my arms around his neck and I kiss him. I feel our bodies move forward as his back hits his car. Before he can do anything I pull back.

"Pick me up at 10 tomorrow?" I say smirking. He half smiles and laughs.

"I'll be here" he responds in a low hushed voice and I step away from him and walk back up to my door. I turn back to look at him and he smiles and then drives off. I can't believe I just did that. I can literally feel the butterflies. I open the door quietly and step inside. I turn around to close the door and lock it and when I turn around Dylan is leaning against the wall smirking.

"You're so screwed."

Hey guys! I hope you guys are liking it so far! I'm trying to update quickly but school has my hands full. Please comment what you think! By the way, I'm not good at titles so don't judge them haha.

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