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When I get home I walk into the kitchen and see my mom and sister baking cookies.

"What are you baking for?" I ask as I grab a water out of the fridge.

"Cookies for Girl Scouts! We are having a meeting tomorrow and it's my turn to bring a treat!" Marissa says rolling a ball of dough in her hands.

"There better be some leftover," I say taking a drink of my water and sitting down at the island.

"Trust me there will be tons," my mom says as she puts the pan into the oven and then washes her hands. Marissa licks her fingers and then runs to the bathroom.

"So where were you after school? By Rachel's?" she asks cleaning up the counter from the mess they made.

"Um, no. I was by my friend Ansel's house. He's helping me before I audition for the play," I respond looking up at her.

"You're going out for the play? Really?This boy must be something if he actually got you to do it," she says as she begins to wash the dishes.

"Yeah, he's really great," I respond smiling to myself. I then stand up to go up to my room.

"Hey Sam, just remember, I don't want to see you get hurt-"

"Mom. He's just a friend. And he's nothing like Cameron," I say and walk up to my room and shut the door. I swear I can't go a day without someone saying something about him. I definitely don't want him compared to anyone I currently associate with. I take off my shoes, tie my hair up, and then sit on my bed and FaceTime Rachel. It rings for a couple of seconds and then connects.

"Hey! How did it go at Ansel's???" She asks smiling wide.

"It was great. His house is amazing. He showed me around a little bit. I sang. We ate pizza. Talked. And then I went home."

"YOU SANG?!" she yells.

"I did. But he wasn't suppose to hear me. But he did. And he said I sounded great but I don't know if he's lying..."

"Sam you're an amazing singer. I just can't believe you actually sang. Do you think you'll be able to sing for the audition?"

"I don't know. I was so nervous and he wasn't even in the room. I mean Friday is really soon. You can't conquer your fears within a few days. Right?"

"I don't know. Maybe Ansel can work some of his magic," she says winking and then we both laugh.

"Shut up. He's just a friend. A really, REALLY cute and super nice friend."

"Yeaaah a "friend"," she says and laughs. She puts me on pause for a minute and then unpauses after I hear her typing.

"Hey..have you talked to Ashley?" she asks. I totally forgot about our small argument earlier today. I still feel bad yet still angry.

"No. I haven't really thought about it. It was pretty stupid. Maybe I should FaceTime her and apologize."

"I think that's a good idea because I'm not trying to be in the middle of this."

"Okay well then ill see you tomorrow. Peace babe," I say throwing up a peace sign and ending the call. I go to my contacts and click on Ashley and press FaceTime. It rings longer than usual. I don't know if she will pick up. I would be mad at me too. Right when I'm about to press end, it connects. I put on a sad puppy dog face as it connects.

"I'm sorry Ash," I say when her face pops up on the screen. She stares at me for a couple of seconds and then shrugs.

"It's fine. I just felt like you'd rather have Ansel help you than me."

New Boy (Ansel Elgort)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن