Chapter 26

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"Wake up, love."

I opened my eyes to see myself in Louis in his car.

"What happened?" I asked confused. Where was Brittany? Louis tried to half smile, but I could just see right through it.

"She was all talk. After you fainted she started cussing me out, saying all this shit. Long story short, she won't be bothering us anymore." He put his hand on my thigh. I looked up at him, remembering. I looked down at my hand, admiring my ring.

"We're getting married..." I smiled absentmindedly. Louis laughed as he continued to drive.

"Do the boys know?" I wondered. Louis nodded.

"They know that I was proposing, but I haven't told them you said yes." We stopped at a red light, and I leaned over and kissed him quickly.

"What was that for?" He asked, taking my hand. I looked at him seriously.

"Are you sure you want to deal with me for the rest of our lives?" He looked at me seriously.

"I have never been so sure about anything than I am about marrying you." I half smiled, not fully believing him. We pulled into the driveway. As we walked inside the boys' home, he said, "We'll finish talking later."

The boys were all sitting in the living room, and they smiled excitedly when they saw Louis and I. Niall jumped up and ran over, hugging me.

"Congrats!" I smiled at him. His blue eyes looked so sincere, and I was so grateful he was such a good friend. The other boys congratulated us before I realized Harry wasn't here.

"Where's Harry?" I asked. The boys exchanged knowing looks. Louis cleared his throat.

"He'll be fine," He said. "Anyways.."

"You didn't answer my question." I stated, kind of pissed off. Louis sighed, still not answering.

"Lou, he's my friend."

His face softened, and he took a breath.

"He's at the bar on south street. He wasn't too happy about the engagement." I grabbed my coat, and walked towards the exit.

"Harmony, wait." I turned to see Liam had caught up with me. He was shivering, as he was only wearing a tshirt and it was cold.

"I don't think its a good idea for you to go see Harry. He's a different person when he's drunk." His chocolate brown eyes pleaded for me to stay.

"I'm worried about him." I said, concerned. Liam relaxed, knowing I'd given in.

"I promise, once he sobers up a little he'll come right home." I nodded.

"How about a movie night?" He proposed.

After hours of watching Toy Story with the boys, a drunken Harry walks in, followed by a skinny, bleach blonde chic. I scrunched up my nose, grossed out. Louis saw and walked over.

"I want to show you something," He grinned. I got up off the couch and followed him into our room. We stood in the middle of the room, and Louis focused his gaze on me. His eyes searched mine, and he slowly leaned in. I could feel his heart beating, along with his hot breath.

"You know how you asked me if I was sure about marrying you?" He asked softly, still very close to me. I was starting to get nervous, not knowing where this was leading. I nodded.

"I want to show you how much I love you." Confused, I nodded.


His lips touched mine softly, removing the gap from us. Slowly the kiss began to heat up. His tongue entered mine with a sudden desire, like he needed me right now. He backed me up onto the bed. Our mouths moved together with passion and pure lust. Louis separated our lips, and I gasped in some air. He kissed my neck softly, then started kissing me everywhere. He made his way down my body. He kissed my breast, my stomache, my hip. Each with so much care. His fingers softly began to undo the buttons on my shirt and undid my bra, leaving my chest bare. He straddled me, and quickly slid off my pants. I tried to take off his shirt, but my hands weren't working right. I was wonderlust. He got the hint and swiftly slipped out of his clothes. He slowly and carefully entered me, and we moved together powerfully.

As we lay in bed, I realized how that represented how he loved me. From the soft kiss, to making love it showed that his love for me has just grown stronger and more desirable. He needed me. Well, at least that's what I got out of it. I looked next to me at Louis, his forehead still stained with sweat from earlier. I could swear he had a hint of a smile on his face.

I slipped out of his arms, and snuck downstairs into the kitchen to get a drink. As I was drinking it, the fake girl that was "with" Harry over walked in. I nodded at her.

"Hello," I said, smiling. I might as well try to be nice. She looked at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"Everybody could hear you and Louis earlier." She stated. I coughed up a little water, suprised.

"Sorry," I tried, embarrassed. She was quiet, and looked at me up and down.

"I don't understand why the boys like you. You're so fat and ugly. Harry was telling me how nobody actually liked you. So why don't you just go kill yourself?" She started to walk away, but I grabbed her ARM, furious.

"It's people like you who trigger people to actually kill themselves. Look at yourself. Are you proud of how you are? You're fake. You're boobs are fake, your face is fake, and your personality sure as Hell is. So you need to get your act together because society sure as Hell doesn't need another one of You." She scoffed, speechless.

"Now would you please do the honours of leaving my house? Thanks." She squinted her eyes at me, obviously pissed.

"Whatever." She mumbled. In a few minutes she was out of the house. As soon as the door shut, I heard someone clapping. I looked to see Louis. He was smiling so widely, clapping his hands.

"What?" I laughed. He skipped over and kissed me quickly.

"You stood up for yourself! I'm extremely proud you didn't let that bitch get to you." He hugged me tightly. I smirked.

"She's not worth the tears." Louis and I made our way back to the bedroom, but my mind wasn't with our conversation. I stood up for myself. I truly didn't believe anything that girl said to me. Maybe I was starting to get better.

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