Chapter 6

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"Yes! I'm getting it for you and thats final!," Louis exclaimed, grabbing the shoes from me, going to the register. Lou  he would take me shopping for an outfit, then taking me out to dinner. We have been dating about a week now.

"Lou, this is ridiculous. I can buy my own stuff, I have a credit card." I tried. I always hated having people buy me stuff. I felt like I owed them something. Giving up, I sighed and made my way to the register with him. He looked at me and grinned.

"You know you love me!" I rolled my eyes. 

"Shut up," He gasped at my comment.

"You didn't deny it!" Shit, I didn't. Oh well. I actually was really falling in love with him. I know it's only been around a week, but love speaks for itself. 

"You love me, you love me," Louis teased, as we walked out of the shop. I turned to him, and said

"And so what if I do? What are you doing to do about it?" I tested him.  He thought for a minute.

"I'm going to love you more than you love me," He decided. This boy. He was wearing red skinny jeans, a striped shirt, and suspenders. He was just adorable. I looked at him, thinking.

"Challenge accepted," I said, smiling. He gasped jokingly. We laughed as he intertwined our arms, walking down the narrow road. After walking for a while, we made our way to the park. There was a wide pond, with a picnick bench shadowed by a willow tree. It was beautiful. On the side was a little playground. Lou looked at me smiling.

"Shall we?" He asked, excitedly. I laughed at how silly he was, and nodded. 

"We shall." He grabbed my hand as we skipped to the playground. He ran towards the swings. The regular ones? Of course not, it was the baby ones. I laughed at Lou as he attempted climbling in the swing. 

"Hey, I'm stuck!" He exclaimed, which only made me laugh harder. He frantically tried to get out, but no luck. I tried to get him out, but he really was stuck. He sighed.

"Now what are we gonig to do?" He asked. "We're going to miss our reservations." I thought for a minute, until I came up with an idea.

"Wait here for a second!" He started to protest as I ran to the store near by. I grabbed the stuff and made my way back to the swings. Before he could ask what I was doing, I climbed into the baby swing next to him, and smiled. I handed him a sandwich, gettign one for myself too.

"Dinner time," I smiled, proud of my good idea. His smiled had to be a mile wide. He stared into my eyes, as if he was searching for something. 

"What?" I asked, suddenly selfconscious. Did he think my idea was dumb?

"I'm just wondering how I got lucky with you," He said. Aw that was really sweet. What was I supposed to say to that?

"I think it was me, sir, who got lucky," I said. My ribs were almost healed by now. I haven't seen Liam since that night, but he was still trying to text me and call me thanks to Lou, who gave him my number. We didn't say a word for a few minutes, until I decided to start swinging. We were on swings, right? Lou swung with me, and we were now trying to see who could go the highest. 

"I'm gunna beat you!" Louis said, pumping his feet hardly. I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"In your dreams, loverboy," We go tired after awhile and decided it was a tie. Well, I did. Lou decided that he won because he was the man. Yeah, okay. 

"Are you going to University?" Lou suddenly asked, his face seriously. 

"I- I'm not sure," I answered truthfully. "I mean, I can afford it, but I don't know whether to go or not. I don't really know what I want to do. I've always wanted to travel, so here I am. I didn't want to waste any more of my time." 

"How did you get your parents to let you go, because you're not legal yet," Lou asked, suddenly really interested. 

"My parents are, different." I started, unsure of how to answer. " They never really cared I guess. I mean sure I was grateful for the gifts and how we lived, but our family was never one for love." It hurt thinking about it, because I've never had a loving family. Lou looked caringly into my eyes.

"I promise to love you and care for you always. You can always talk to me about anything. Okay?" He took my hand and squeezed it. 

"Okay," I said looking down at my legs, that were still hanging down from the swing. Lou looked too, and suddenly looked concerned. 

"What's that?" He asked cautiously, looking at my leg. Confused, I looked to where he was pointing. Shit, it was the cut I made on my thigh the night I saw Liam. My shorts had ridden up, exposing it. 

"Nothing, Its from the crash," I lied. I know lying is bad, but he can't know I still do it. They all think I'm recovered and if i tell him I haven't then he'll tell everyone else. Then they'll probably want me to stay with them again, with Liam. No, not gunna happen. 

"Oh, okay." He said, believing me. Guilt fled through me. This is why I didn't want to get attached. All of a sudden we heard a shout. 

"There you guys are! We've been worried! We didn't know where the hell you guys were," Harry exclaimed.

"Well, we kinda got stuck..," Lou started, pointing out the swings we were stuck in. The boys saw and burst out laughing. After a few minutes they were still crouched down in hysterics.

"Okay okay, can you help us out?" I asked, annoyed. Still laughing, they helped us out and we made our way back home. Turns out, we walked further than we thought and the walk back was five miles! Halfway there, I had enough. I sat down in the middle of the road, having them all give me puzzled looks. 

"I'm done," I said crossing m arms and giving a pouty face. Lou held back a chuckle, as he walked over and scooped me up with ease, continuing to walk home.

"Thank you," I whispered, exhausted, my face buried in his chest. 

"Anytime, love." I heard him say back quietly. All of a sudden I could feel his heartbeat get quicker. I fell asleep soon after, with a smile on my face. 

AUTHORS NOTE- okay guys i just wanted to say thanks for reading my story! it means a lot. please vote and/or comment on what you think should happen next, and if you like the story, thank you!<3


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