Chapter 32

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It had been a few months since we got Melody back, and she was perfect. The doctors are still being wary, but she looked like a normal healthy baby. It's crazy, the immense love I just automatically feel for her. I want to be by her side every minute of the day.

"Babe! Guess what?" Louis ran into the living room excited. I raised my eyebrows, urging him to go on.

"Simon wants us to do a duet, and sing about Melody together." He smiled wide, as did my eyes.

"When?" I asked, apprehensive.

"He wants us to do it at our next concert. So do you want to do it, love? Your voice is so perfect, and I want to share you with the world. "

Well. How could I say no to his adorable pleading face? I sighed and nodded, causing him to cheer.

"YAY! I'll get some carrots to celebrate." He got up, and right as he was about to walk by our sunshine she stopped him.

"Dadda!" She squeeled, excitedly. Our eyes grew wide in shock, and Louis and I looked at each other.

" Did she just..."

"Yes!" I smiled widely. We looked back at her.

"Dadda," She raised her arms up, waiting for him to pick her up. Louis tried to hide how incredibly excited he was, but I could see right through him.

"Louis!" He looked over, still holding Melody.

"Our daughter just said her first word! Ahh!" He looked at her and I with adoration in his eyes.

"Our daughter," He said quietly.

*A Few Days Later*


"Are you sure you don't mind watching her?" Harmony asked nervously, as she did the finishing touches on her makeup. Tonight was the night she was doing her duet with Louis, and let me tell you: she was nervous. She sighed one more time, carefully watching herself in the mirror.

"I don't know if I should go. I don't like leaving Melody. Maybe I should cance-"

"Harmony," I interrupted her. "Everything will be fine. I will be watching her, alright?" She nodded, and smiled.

Louis and the boys soon ran in, all excited. Niall had a goofy smile on his face as he made his way towards me. I gave him a questionable look.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"I love you!" He blurted out. "I know I've said it before but I really really really love you. Love is about caring for the other person more than yourself. And I love you Natalie. I really do." He stopped, and stood there waiting for a reply. He shifted slightly, and my heart was still fluttering.

"I love you too Niall," I said, immediately blushing. He lent down and kissed me. It wasn't long, but it was sweet and simple, like our love.

We soon said our goodbyes, and Harmony and the boys were off. That left Melody and I alone together.

"Hey baby girl," I said, picking her up. "Ready for some fun with Auntie Nat?"

And that baby could have fun. Even though she still couldn't walk, if I took my eyes off of her for a second she would be out of sight. After a while of playing, I grew tired.

"Alright, Mel, time for bed." I put her in her crib.

I decided to relax on the couch until they got home. I wondered how Harmony was doing, because she was extremely nervous. Louis just adores her so much, you can see it in his eyes. My eyes made their way down to my arms, gazing at my scars. God, there were so many. I still do it once and a while, not that anyone notices. I know what you're thinking. How the Hell can this girl be depressed? She's dating Niall Horan! I get what you're thinking, yet its still possible. Niall has been the biggest help, and I love him. I'm just not sure if I'm IN love with him. I mean, I can't even love myself. I closed my eyes and was soon drifting off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later, at only 9:46. Harmony and the boys are most likely almost done with the show. Then they have the hour drive back here.

I haven't heard Melody in a while, so I get up and go into her room. I peek into her crib. Blood. That's all I see. It's all over the sheets, her toys in the crib, and her.

"Melody," I picked her up carefully, terrified. The blood was coming out of her nose. How can so much come from her tiny nose?

" Oh Melody," I said thinking of what to do. She giggled, obviously unaware she was bleeding all over the place.

I rushed us to the car, and buckled her in safely. As I rushed to the hospital, I called Harmony. Voicemail.

"Harmony," I said, my voice is shaking. "Melody's got, like, an insane nose bleed so I'm taking her to the hospital."

I peeked through the mirror of my car and looked into her helpless face.

"I'll make sure you'll be okay, Mel. I promise."

*Harmony's P.O.V*

I was super uber nervous. Singing wasn't my thing, although I was good at it. I was waiting backstage until Louis called me out. All I could think about was if Melody was alright. Maybe I'm just being over protective.

"All right guys, as you know, Harmony and I have just been reunited with our daughter. So as a celebration, she's going to come out and sing us a song. Harmony, not Melody. Although Melody just learned how to say Dadda!" The crows 'aww'd and I walked onto the stage. The boys drifted away, leaving Louis and I. The music started and I grasped his hand and began to sing.

"You're just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life..."

We jumped off the stage after we finished. The croud was full of fans screaming about encores. The boys and I laughed, adrenaline rushing through us.

"That was so fun!" I laughed. "What time is it?"

"10:30," Zayn said. I nodded and took out my phone. One voicemail from Natalie. Hmm I opened it, curious. My heart stopped as I listened to her message, and I dropped my phone.

"What's wrong?" I looked Louis in the eyes, and had him listen to the message.

I don't think we could have gotten to the hospital faster. Louis and I were silent, as we drove. We both knew what it was.

Once we ran in, I saw Natalie in the waiting room, tears flowing from her face.

"I...Blood...nose.." She tried to get out but her sobbing was too much.

"Where is she?" I asked impatient. Not trying to be rude, I just needed to make sure my baby was safe.

"She's with a doctor. They're checking her out, then coming over to let us know."

I waited over an hour, and I was restless. The boys took Natalie home. I love her, but her freaking out wasn't making the situation any better. Finally a doctor walked in, and I shoved Louis, who was sleeping.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs. Tomlinson. We have Melody in the back, and we've taken some tests. We're not sure what caused the bleeding. Is there a history of cancer in the family?" I nodded. His expression became very concerned.

"I am not positive, but I think Melody may have leukemia."

a/n Ahhh I finally updated! I tried to make it longer, so I hope you guys like it! let me know what you think in the comments. xxxxx

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