Chapter 11

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Natalie had to stay at the hospital for 72 hours like I did. I felt so awful Ofcourse she had problems, because why else would I have gone to that meeting. After introducing her to the boys, I guess I just assumed she was alright. I out of all people should have known she wasn't. I knew how the act went, but I just didn't pay attention. I was too caught up in Lou, and my own problems. I deserve to be in her position, not Her. And poor Niall, he had just jumped in right after her. I reached into the drawer and took out my razor. I stared at it, debating whether or not I should cut or not, when someone opened the door. Harry walked  over and took my razor, giving me a disappointed look. 

"I think we should have a long talk," He said. Harry was always there for me, he was always a shoulder to lean on. I nodded in agreement,  and we went into his room. I noticed that his room looked like it hadn't been slept in for a while. I'm not surprised though. After everything that happened, I would have a lot on my mind too. I sat next to him on his bed, and he ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Why were you going to hurt yourself again?" He asked, taking my hand. No, not romantically. At least I don't think.  I hate when people ask me this, because I never know what to reply. He looked at me, his eyes full of hurt. 

"Whenever things go wrong, or I'm upset, it's the first thing I go to. It helps me forget about it for awhile." I shrugged. He gave me a look to go on. 

"You wouldn't understand." I said, getting up. Before I could move, he pulled me right back down. 

"Then try to help me understand, because I dont. I don't understand why you do this to yourself because you're beautiful. And don't deny it. You are amazing, and funny, and kind. And you confuse the hell out of me, but I love it. I just don't understand why the girl I love would do this to herself." His face inched closer to mine. Scared, I tried to leave, but he had a grip on me. 

"Just once," He whispered. His lips touched mine, but there was no spark. Almost immediatley after they touched, I tried to seperate them but he wouldn't let me. I tried pushing him off me when the door flew open. Louis. His face was flushed with anger, and my eyes filled with tears. Right when I was about to say something he stopped me. 

"You filthy bastard! You know I love her, and you do this? This is why I said no! She's mine! Look at her, you've hurt her!" He screamed. This frightened me, as I've never seen Louis this mad. He got righ tinto Harry's face and pushed him. I thought a fiht was going to break out until I saw Harry, not even defending himself. He looked scared shitless, but didn't fight back. I walked over to Louis, who was still yelling, and gently touched his shoulder. Out of anger, he whipped around, his elbow hitting impact with my nose. Blood started to gush out, as I stood on the floor, shocked. Louis face immediatly softened, then turned worried. 

"Oh my god, Harmony! Babe, I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, picking me up. I flung my whole body around until he let me down. 

"Don't fucking touch me," I said sharply, walking out of the room. Blood was just gushing out of my nose, and I was too pissed to start crying. Zayn was at the hospital with Natalie and Niall. Harry just confused the shit out of me, and I'm definatley not going to Louis for help. This left one boy. I knocked on his door quietly and he opened it. His face was imediatley shocked. 

"Harmony, what the fuck happened?" He said, rushing me to the bathroom. 

"Tell me never to get in between Harry and Louis when Louis' angry." I just said. His face, if possible, looked even more shocked. 

"Louis did this to you?!" I winced as he dabbed my nose with alcohol, which stung like hell. i shrugged, not wanting to talk about it. 

"I'm going to fucking kill him," He declared, clenching his fist. I shook my head.

"Can we just forget about this?" He gave me a look that said 'are you serious?'.

"You owe me," I said. He sighed in defeat. 

"Fine," He said. "But why are you really upset about this? Did this bring back memories about anything?" I opened my mouth in shock. Did he really know me that well?

"It, just, yeah." I said flatly. He nodded and we made our way to the living room. I flopped out on the couch, and he sat right next to me. For the first time in a while, I didn't mind.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did it make you think of?" I sat, there thinking.


They had me pinned down, not being able to get away. 

"How do you feel now?" Denise said, evily.

I just shrugged, not letting them see me upset. She snickered, and walked over. Suddenly scared, I tried to get away, but they were holding me down. She slapped me across the face, leaving it stinging. I rolled my eyes. Seeing my displeasure, she snapped her fingers. ALL of a sudden there were a bunch of kids surrounding me. I tried to run, but one of them grabbed me by my hair and flew me back to the ground. My head cracked against the concrete ground. They all pounced on me at once, pulling hair, scratching, slapping, punching. It was twelve against one. After a while, Denise snapped her fingers again, and they left. I was curled up on the ground in agony, as she walked over. She punched me right in the nose, causing blood to gush out of it as I helplessly laid there. 

"You worthless piece of shit," She laughed, and walked away, leaving me there alone on the cold, hard floor. 

*End of Flashback*

 Liam sat there in shock, letting what I just told him sink in. I looked at my scars, the ones that had been made because of what happened. 

"I cannot believe they did that to you," He said finally. I just shrugged. 

"Why didn't you press charges?" He asked.  I looked at him.

"Because thats what they wanted me to do. They wanted me to cry and go to my parents. I had to show them I wasn't weak, and that they didn't bother me." He nodded, understanding now. 

"Thats just awful. Why did you never tell me? I mean, when we were at the hospital together?" He asked desperatly. 

"It was after you left." I said obviously. His eyes widenened, his mouth opened in shock. 

"Are you fucking serious? How immature can those girls get!? They're almost adults!" I nodded weakly. It still shook me up just thinking about it. 

"What did your parents do when you got home?" He wondered. I sighed, and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"They yelled at me for being home late," His eyes flashed with sadness and sympathy. 

"How can you just go on with life and act like everything is okay?" He gently rubbed my head. 

"A lot of practice. I don't know. I mean, I can never forget what has happened in my life. My past will always be a part of me. But I can either forgive and let go, or let it define me." 

"You are the strongest person I know." He stated, and i smiled weakly. "You need to stay strong, because you are perfect the way you are." he kissed the top of my head comfortly. It made me feel better but I couldn't help but have one thought in my head.  

How can I stay strong if I was never strong in the first place? 

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