Chapter 5

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Shit. Shit. Shit

I cannot believe I just did that. What the fuck is he doing here? Since when is he in a band? A million questions went through my head. I locked myself in the bathroom, hiding from everyone. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I can't just stay in the bathroom - their bathroom- forever. I'm sure Liam was in just as much shock as I was. I all of a sudden was in a panic. I looked around the bathroom until I saw it. A razor. I took a deep breath as I slid it across my upper thigh. Everyone always assumes you cut on your wrist, so I do it on my thigh. As I was cleaning it up, someone knocked on my door. 

"Harmony, its Louis. Can you let me in?," He begged. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt. I cautiously opened the door to the bathroom when he grabbed me and pulled me out. 

"Hey! Let me go!," I exclaimed. He really had a grip on me. Thankfully, instead of bringing be downstairs where all of the other boys are, he led me to his room. 

"What do you want?" I said impatiently. He took my hand and let me to the bed to sit down.

"I just want to talk to you. Liam told me everything. How you guys met, why you were there..." He said gently. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, Harmony. You deserve so much better. Look at me" He lifted my chin so we were at eye level. He gently wiped away my tears with his thumb. This guy has stole my heart, and I barely know him.

"You are beautiful, just the way you are. You deserve the world. I haven't known you for a week and I can already tell you  are an amazing girl, who I would love to get to know more." Oh wow. I didn't expect that. Now the tears were jus silently streaming down my face. I nodded, not breaking eye contact. He smiled and continued.

"So Harmony, will you go on a date with me?"

I nodded immediately. 

"Yes Louis, I'd love too" He got through my walls. How? I have no idea. All of a sudden he got the biggest grin on his face. 

"YES!" He yelled. I started laughing, at how serious he can be one moment, and then act like a foour year old the next. 

"So about Liam," He started, sitting back down. "He really is sorry about what happened. I know it was a douche bag move, but he's grown up a lot since then. I think he wants to talk to you." He insisted. 

"Fine, I'll talk to him. But that doesn't mean I'm forgiving him." He smiled, knowing he'd won. 

"Great! Lets go downstairs then, love." He kissed my cheek (to which I blushed profusely) and we went back to the living room, where the boys were. Niall was eating, and when he saw me he smiled sadly. Zayn was thinking really hard, and when Harry saw me he jumped up and hugged me. 

"Don't ever do that to yourself ever again," He whispered in my ear. I nodded and he let me go. I saw Liam, who looked at me, eyes full of guilt. Suddenly nervous, I looked at Lou who nodded to go talk to him. I cleared my throat.

"Liam, can I talk to you outside please?" He looked surprised that I was even acknowledging his existence. After everything he should be surprised. He nodded and walked me outside. 

"Shall we go for a walk?" He suggested. 

"Sure," I reluctantly agreed, wishing I was with Lou instead. We walked in silence for a few minutes. I really missed him, although I'm still extremely mad at him. 

"I'm really sorry about not talking to you after," He began. "I think I owe you an explanation." I agreed. I have been waiting for an explanation for a while. 

"After I got out of the hospital, I wanted to call you. I really did. But I was scared. I liked you. I had feelings for you. It angered me so much that there was a beautiful girl who hated herself, and hurt herself. You meant so much to me, and I thought I didn't deserve you. I figured that if I really loved you, then I should let you go. And if it were meant to be then we would find each other again. And here you are now. It's fate." 

I was speechless. I just stared at him, not because I was impressed with what he said but because I was angry.

"Liam, you had your chance. I know I may not have meant much to you but you meant the world to me. I felt like life was worth living again. You made me feel whole. But you know what? When you left you take every bit of hope I had left. I didn't care what happened to me, because I felt worthless.  Because I wasn't worth a simple phone call. And you know what? I like Louis! I have fucking feelings for him. There I said it! And this entire time I've known him I've been telling myself not to get attached so I won't get hurt again! You really have no idea how this affected my life. And Louis asked me on a date and I said yes so there! I am finally ready to move on, and forget about you." I finished, proud of my rant. He stood there shocked, while I turned to run back to the house.

I had to get back to Louis! I ran and ran, desperate to get to him. When I got near the house I saw him standing there, waiting for me. It sounds like a cliche movie, but I jumped into his arms. He caught me immediately and held me close, until there was no room in between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and inched closer, until I could feel his breath on mine. I stared into his blue eyes, trying to figure him out. I leaned in and kissed him. As soon as our lips touched, butterflies just burst in my stomach. Lou was surprised at first, but then got into the kiss. Our lips synchronized together. It was a slow, sweet kiss. Out of breath, I pulled away, and leaned against his forehead.

"I think I'm falling for you, Louis Tomlinson." 

I packed up my bags and Louis drove me back to my apartment. I didn't want to deal with Liam, and I hadn't even seen my own apartment yet! When we got there I was in awe. The flat was beautiful, It was big and all open, with a huge stone fireplace in the middle. I looked at Louis to see his reaction was similar. I walked alone to see three bedrooms down the hallway. They each had their own bathrooms. The kitchen had a double fridge, and had two ovens, which I'm sure Harry would love. My favorite part was the living room, because one whole wall was just glass windows, looking out to the city. It was beautiful. Louis and I decided to go out on a date tomorrow. Where were we going? I have no idea, but this boy loved surprises. 

"I'm hungry," Louis whined, walking over to the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and opened my phone to check my twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook, which I hadn't checked since I got here. I was in the middle of reading about Kristin Stewart's affair when I heard someone yelling. 

"THEY STOCKED YOUR FRIDGE! THERES CARROTS!" He skipped around the flat, stuffing his face with carrots. This boy is different for sure... what do I see in him? I  have no idea. 

We decided to curl up on the couch and watch 'A Walk to Remember'. I never cry when I watch movies, but this one is different. It's so sad! Ugh. When we were at the part when she told him she had cancer, I heard a sniffle. I looked to see Louis' eyes full of tears. 

"It's just, so, sad" He gasped. I wrapped my arms around him. 

"I know Boo, I know" He looked at me with a smile spreading across his face. 


"You called me boo! You like me!" He said, happily. Cheeky boy. I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously I like you, or else I wouldn't of kissed you or agreed to go on a date with you." He fake gasped. 

"You kissed me?! When?" I was confused. He was there! He smirked, thinking he was funny.

"Tell me about babe." Fine, two can play at this game. I rolled him over so he was on his back, and I was laying on top of him. I bit my lip and looked at his, then back to his eyes.

"Well, It went a little like this..," And I leaned down so slowly, that our lips had gently brushed, bringing sparks. He groaned and leaned in, kissing me hard. He slid his tongue on the bottom of my lip, asking for entrance. I decided to be a tease and not let him in. He bit my lip, causing me to gasp and he quickly out his tongue in my mouth. We moved together, swiftly. Our tongues explored each others mouths. This kiss was more aggressive, more passionate than before. We separated, and just looked at each other with affection. I'm falling head over heels with this boy.

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