Chapter 19

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When Louis and I got to the entrance of Nandos, all the boys rushed over with excited faces. I laughed as everyone of them came over and hugged and congratulated Louis and I. 

"I'm going to be an uncle!" Zayn exclaimed. He high-fived Niall, who turned over to me. 

"You better name it after me!" He said with a cheeky smile. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"In your dreams, Nialler." He pouted, but his frown soon lifted as we entered Nandos. Like a little kid, he ran right to a booth and started examining the menu, even though he already had it memorized. Liam came over and gave me a friendly hug. 

"Congradulations." He said softy into my ear. I smiled and nodded. 

"Thanks, Li. I'm glad we're close again." He smiled and nodded. 

"Where's Harry?" I asked, noticing the curly haired boy wasn't around. Liam hesitated before speaking. 

"When he found out about your,um, news, he didn't take it very well." I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion until it hit me. He still had feelings from when he kissed me. 

"I should go talk to him."  I stated. Liam paused, and looked at me. 

"Maybe it's not such a good time. He was really upset.. you know how Harry gets. Just wait until after dinner, so he's cooled down." I sighed and made my way to the rest of them, knowing he was right. When I sat down, it was like suddenly all of the appetite I lost came back. I was starving. 

"So what're you getting, love?" Niall said to me, his voice full of excitement. I giggled at his silly self and sighed. 

"Well I'm really hungry, so just order for me?" I winked, and he laughed, nodding. I looked up next to me to see Lou smiling. He leaned in and kissed me softly. 

"What was that for?" I asked, surprised. He kept looking at me, into my eyes. I bit my lip, suddenly self-conscious. He groaned, a smile sneaking onto his face. 

"Hmm?" I asked. He threw his hands up in the air and sighed. 

"I hate when you do that." He stated. I laughed.

"Do what?" I raised my eyebrows. He leaned in slowly so our foreheads were touching. Our lips were barely brushing when he bit my lip. I gasped, in shock. 

"That." He said laughing. "It's such a tease. It makes me want you right now." I burst out laughing at how serious he was.  He tried to give me a frustrated face, but joined in with my laughter. Dinner came soon enough and I just dug right in. What was I missing out on all those years? I looked up to see all the boys laughing at me, watching me devour my food. I shrugged and continued eating. What is this stuff? Perri perri chicken? Its amazing. All of a sudden,  went to take another bite and it was gone. I pouted to myself, and I heard a chuckle. I smiled and turned around to see Harry. 

"Curly!!! I missed you," I jumped up and hugged him. He hugged back without hesitation. 

"I missed you too." He said softly. When I went to pull away he kept his hold on me. "Can we talk alone later?" His eyes begged. I nodded and smiled softy before sitting back down. I smiled at Lou, who raised his eyebrows at Harry. 

"It's nothing," I whispered into his ear, before pecking him on the lips. "I'll be back, I'm going to the washroom." I excused myself and went to the ladies room. While I was washing my hands after I did my business, someone walked in. I looked up to see Brittany, fully pissed off. I cautiously backed away. 

"Who the hell do you think you are? Louis belongs with me! He should love me!" She yelled, waving her hands in the air. She stepped forward, and I naturally put my hands over my tummy protectively. Her gaze when down to my stomach and she smirked. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot my little nephew or neice was in there." She said with a wild look on her face. 

"I bet Lou isn't even the father of your baby." I snapped at her. She laughed and made her way closer. I was backing up until I was against the wall. 

"Maybe, maybe not. But you're not going to be carrying his child for long." I cried as she shoved me to the ground. She lifted her foot to kick my belly when Louis came rushing in. 

"Love, we could hear yo-WHAT THE FUCK?" He exclaimed, seeing me sprawled helplessly on the ground. He threw Brittany to the wall and pinned her down. 

"Boys!" He yelled and the rest of the boys came rushing in. 

In about an hour, Brittany was being arrested for assault. I sat in the ambulance parked outside of Nandos. Thankfully, the baby was going to be alright. Ijust had a couple bruises from being pushed on the ground. As I was sitting there alone, (the boys were talking to the police) a curly haired boy came in and sat next to me. I scruffled his hair, and he groaned. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his eyes full of concern. 

"I'm alright, just a little frightened." I sighed as my hands trailed down to my little baby bump. "Thank god the baby's alright." Harry sighed and didn't say anything. 

"What did you want to talk about earlier?" I asked. He looked me into the eyes, his eyes suddenly full of pain and hurt. 

"Harmony, when Lou told us that you were pregnant, I was crushed. It made me feel as if the little chance I thought we had was gone. I love you Harmony. I can take such better care of you than he can. Please? Please choose me." I didn't know what to say.

"Harry, no offense but this is ridiculous. What do you want me to do? Leave Louis and get with his best mate and raise his child with you? No fucking way. I love you Harry, but not like that. I love Lou, and you need to respect my decision, okay?" He nodded glum fully. I got up to leave but he suddenly smashed his lips onto mine. There was no spark. Not like with Lou. I shoved him away, angry. 

"You can ruin our friendship Harry, but you can't ruin me and Lou's relationship. We are just friends. You can get someone better than me." I walked out, and tried to find Lou. I passed the cop car and the window in the back was down. I kept walking until I heard Brittany's voice yelling. 

"You are going to pay for this, Harmony! I'll get you back, so you better watch yourself."

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